She rolls her eyes. “Or you’ll be eating your words about romcoms because they’re so much more than you think they are.”

“We’ll see. Deal?” I ask, stretching my hand towards her.

She seats up and we’re on opposite sides, each of us on a lounge chair. When her palm slides into mine, a thrill shoots through me and I feel a zap of electricity in my spine.

Blue eyes stare straight into mine, filled with challenge. “You’re going down, Tony.”

After deciding on which movies to watch, Sophia’s gaze goes to her phone.

“It’s getting pretty late,” she murmurs and she’s right. It’s 10pm. I’m not sure where the time went. “I should probably head home.”

My heart sinks.

“Come on, don’t go,” I say imploringly suddenly worried that she’ll leave and I won’t get to see her again. “We can talk about other stuff. Like for instance, what’s your favorite word?”

She blinks. “People have those?”

I nod, my expression serious. “Of course, blondie. My favorite word is discombobulated. It’s fun to say. Come on, try it,” I urge.

Her eyes practically glimmer in amusement. Dutifully, she repeats, “Discombobulated,” before laughing. “I am fully convinced you didn’t graduate kindergarten.”

“I nearly didn’t,” I admit soberly. “It was a close call.”

“You’re an idiot,” she says laughing as she grabs her purse. “And I’m leaving.”

“Same time tomorrow?” I ask staring up at her.

“Good night, Tony,” she tells me, leaning down to kiss my cheek before leaving.

I lie in bed for a long time that night, thinking about her and wondering how the hell I got so lucky to find her at exactly the right moment.



When my doorbell is rang at 8am on a Sunday evening, I know it can only be one person. I stand from the couch and open the door to Katerina’s frowning face. She pushes me aside, blowing on her fingers as she barges in.

“Please enter,sorella. I’m so pleased by your unexpected arrival,” I say sarcastically as I follow her inside.

“You know you love me,” she says, grabbing a blanket before wrapping herself like a cocoon and lying on my couch. “It’s so freaking cold. I hate the cold,” she moans.

“It’s not that cold,” I mutter, taking a seat as well.

“That’s cause you’re already a cold emotionless vampire,” Kat says making me roll my eyes.

Her gaze shifts to the TV and she arches an eyebrow at what I was watching.

“Since when do you watch action movies?”

Since I befriended Anthony Legan and we started trading our favorite film selections.

“It’s just a movie,” I lie. “I was bored and it popped up. So what’s up? Why are you here?” I ask.

She doesn’t come to my house often. We usually meet at work or at the mansion.

“Nothing,” she says in a voice that means there’s definitely something. “Did you notice that Seraphina released a new winter collection? You should check it out. There’s some dresses you’ll love.”

I grab my phone to do so immediately because if you’re looking to distract me, just tell me about fashion and clothes and I’m immediately a puppet. Then I realize that and drop my phone, looking to my sister. And giving her a look that spells I’m not falling for her evasion techniques.