“He didn’t recognize you right and he has no idea who you are.”

“Of course not. If he did, he wouldn’t have slept with me.”

Never in a million years.

“That’s good. And you know where to find him again?” my sister questions.

“I don’t like where this is going,” I state.

“Just answer.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then you’re going to find him. And you’re going to befriend him. Keep your identity a secret. If he starts to trust you, then maybe we’ll find an edge in the upcoming clash between our families.”

My stomach sinks. “Kat,” I start uneasily. “That’s a bad idea.”


“For one, Tony doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who trusts easily.”

“And you know this how? You’ve only met him once,” she retorts.

“You said he’s dangerous and crazy.”

“He is a little,” my sister admits. “But he liked you enough to sleep with you so I’m not too worried. Plus, you’re a big girl. You can handle yourself, he’s only a man.”

“Papa doesn’t like it when we sleep with guys to get information,” I try.

“Papa doesn’t have to know. Come on, Soph. You can do this. It’s perfect.”

I sigh softly and look into her eyes. They’re big and pleading. It’s not like I can say no. I could but I have to admit it’s not a bad plan. Using Tony would provide us with a perfect edge. It’s the using part I’m not a fan of.

“Alright,” I finally say. “I’ll do it.”

“Great,” Katerina says getting to her feet. “Just smile at him, look pretty and I’m sure he’ll open up to you. We just need to know what their plans are. He won’t be able to find out who you are.”

Practically every image of me is wiped from any database. It’s a precaution to keep us safe. No social media, I barely take any pictures. We’re ghosts online. Which makes it easy to do the things we do underground.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep my family safe. Like Kat said, I only met Tony once. It’s not like I suddenly care about him after one meeting.

I just need to gain his trust. Befriend him. And then break his trust which will inevitably make him hate me. He hates me already anyways. I’m Sophia Mincetti. The daughter of the man who murdered his mother. There’s no world where he wouldn’t want me dead.



Ican’t help but think about a world where pain can be measured. I wonder who’s hurting more right now. Elena and I are probably on the same level. Probably only a marginal difference. I can’t say I’m hurting more than her. But I’m so guilt ridden I can barely breathe.

Then there’s Maria. Her pain definitely can’t compare to ours but it’s clear she had no idea what happened. Meaning her husband lied to her for several years. Ricardo may be dead but I’m sure it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Then again she might not be as hurt. From what I remember they weren’t that close. I do hate Ricardo a little for hiding the truth but he was only doing what he thought was right. At the end of the day, it’s all on Salvador.

He's probably in pain as well. I hope he’s in more than any of us. He fucking deserves it and more.

But I should have looked for her. I trusted Salvador lies but she deserved so much more than that. At the end of the day it’s all my fault. I was the stubborn one. I refused to even talk about her, Elena would have never mentioned finding her. Even if she wanted to. And now here we are, with a secret that’s irrevocably fractured our families.

* * *

I can’t bringmyself to enter the pool but I have been going to the hotel’s rooftop. I haven’t said it out loud but the truth is I’m looking for her. I kept my promise. I didn’t do anything destructive, to myself or other people. I think it has to do with the fact that I’m more heartbroken than angry.