“Cut the shit, Tony. I know you and I love you for wanting that for Cassie but that’s not really why. It’s only an excuse. You want to find her too. Deep down, you want to know where she is. If she’s even alive.”

I don’t deny it. But my jaw clenches and I look away. That’s answer enough.

Elena sighs. “This is a bad idea, Tony. Does dad know?”

I glance at her sharply. “No, he doesn’t. And you’re not going to tell him. At least not until I have answers.”

Once again, my sister proves how annoying it is when someone knows you too well.

She inclines her head to the side. “There’s something else going on.”

“No there isn’t,” I mutter.

“Tell me. Is it about dad?”

I briefly wonder if Roman told her anything although I asked him not to. But I doubt he would. This is too delicate, too important. He wouldn’t.

“Let it go, Lena,” I say, irritated. “You know better than anyone that I’m not going to tell you anything until I want to.”

She frowns. “I’m just worried. This is so out of character. If something’s wrong, you should tell someone. If you won’t tell me, at least tell Rome or Mikey.”

I smirk, “That’s not really my style. But don’t worry, sis,” I say, getting to my feet. I bend down and kiss her cheek. “I promise once I have answers I’ll let you know.”

As long as those answers won’t hurt her. Protecting her has been my responsibility since the day I was born. And she’s right, I do have suspicious. And while I hope more than anything my suspicions are wrong, there’s this feeling in my gut that I’m on the right path. But the right path isn’t necessary a good one.

It doesn’t really matter though. Nothing will come out of this if Christian D’Angelo doesn’t have any answers for me.

But I also know deep down that if he doesn’t have the answers I need, I’ll do anything to get them. Because I saw something. Something that makes no sense.

There has to be a reason why my dad was having secret conversations with a Mincetti. And I’ll stop at nothing to find out what’s going on.

* * *

Christian D’Angelo is an intriguing man.I first met him a few years ago when Roman had to ask him for a favor to deal with some fuckers. And while I dislike most people on principle, Christian’s a guy you can’t help but respect. He has this air around him that immediately makes you want to follow him into a fight. Kind of like my brother, Rome but Christian’s more showy about it.

Two weeks after asking him to look into my mother’s disappearance, he texts me asking to meet up. I’m surprised when he requests that I meet him at a coffee shop not too far from one of the clubs his family runs. Still I head over there. He’s already seated when I arrive, punctual, immaculately dressed in a black suit, sans tie. I offer him a short nod in greeting before taking my seat over him.

“What’s up? Why did you ask to meet up here?” I question.

He shifts forward and clasps his hand over the table. His inquisitive light brown eyes studying me.

“I figured you were less likely to lose it in a public place like this.”

That makes me smile. “Don’t underestimate me, Chris. Can I call you Chris?”

“No,” he replies coldly and I shrug. “I think you should have someone with you for this. Why don’t we call Roman over?”

I roll my eyes. “If you have information for me, Don, just say it. Roman doesn’t need to know anything.”

“He called me a few days ago asking me to tell him first if I found something out.”

My gaze cuts sharply to his and my jaw tenses. “And did you?”

“We wouldn’t be here if I did,” Christian says easily. “Tell me first. And be honest, what brought this on? Something must have kickstarted your sudden desire to find your mother.”

I sigh, leaning back in my seat. I know without a doubt he won’t tell me what he’s found out unless I reply him first. So I do.

“A few months ago, at my sister’s wedding, I caught sight of a Mincetti lurking around,” I pause. “Actually, I had no idea who she was, but Enzo confirmed it was probably a Mincetti. We pulled some clips and while she avoided most of the cameras we managed to find one where she was leading my father outside. He looked worried. I have no idea what they talked about.”