Page 4 of Handsome Devil

Displeased with the answer, she straightened her spine, which made her breasts jut out in a tantalizing way.

“What’s there to think about? Do you want the building or not?”

“I’m… interested.”

“Then we’ll both receive what we want if we work together. I’ll receive my rightful inheritance, and you’ll own the most iconic building in Texas.”

“You’re talking about getting married again. Did you forget what happened the first time?”

“Of course not. I have the scars as a reminder.”

“So do I, or do you think you’re the only one who suffered in our marriage?”

“You? Suffer? Please.” She laughed airily.

Dante ground his teeth together, tempted to throttle her where she stood. She brought out the worst in him.

“Are you suggesting you were the only one who suffered?”

“I’m suggesting you can cut the bullshit and admit you want the Hilderbrandt building, and if we work together, we can both succeed. We didn’t do a good job of working together when we were married, but I think we can do a better job the second time around, with such high stakes at risk.”

“Have you considered all the ins and outs of your proposal? Would we be able to see other people, or do you expect me to live like a monk during the entire year that we’re together?”

“The marriage will remain unconsummated, of course, which means you’ll have to be discreet with your extramarital liaisons. I wouldn’t want anyone to find out and think you’d broken my heart.”

“Come now, Anna. No one would believe something so ridiculous,” Dante said. “You’d need to have a heart to break. There’s nothing but an empty hole in your chest.”

Her gray-blue eyes flashed in annoyance, which secretly made him happy.

“When do you think you can give me an answer?” she asked.

“I can give you an answer right now. The answer is no.”

“That’s not the final answer, and you know it. You’ll think about the offer because, though you don’t like me very much, the opportunity to own the Hilderbrandt property is too juicy to resist. I’ll give you three days, and then I’ll go down the list and pick someone else.”

“There are others?”

“Of course, darling. I was giving you first dibs because I had something to offer that I suspected you couldn’t resist.”

“Or there’s no one else, and you’re hiding your desperation,” Dante drawled.

“I’m never desperate.” Annabelle picked up her purse from the chair. “I came to you first because we have history, and I’m a nice person. I want to see you succeed.”

“You made your offer out of the goodness of your heart?” Dante asked sarcastically.

“Of course. You know how generous I can be,” she said without a flicker of irony.

She pouted prettily, and his dick jumped. Memories of the countless times she was on her knees before him came flooding back with the force of a burst dam.

If he could, he would drag her to her knees now. Would she purr and moan without breaking eye contact like she used to? She used to love giving blow jobs and would get turned on while his eyes rolled back in head.

“Impossible, since as I pointed out before, you need to have a heart. Which you don’t.”

“You don’t know me at all, Dante. You never did.”

Something they could agree on, but the heaviness of the words made him narrow his eyes, and she turned away before he could properly assess her thoughts.

Annabelle slipped the purse onto the crook of her arm. “We’ll chat soon. Remember, you have seventy-two hours. Then I’m moving on. Tah-tah.” She waved and then waltzed out the door with her fine ass swaying and her head held high.