Lacey had reserved a spot for them at the front next to the stage. An usher guided her and Dante to their seats, and as she sat down, Annabelle nodded at a few familiar faces around her. Almost every seat was occupied.
“I’m so excited for Lacey. She deserves all this attention, and I know her designs are going to make a big splash,” she said.
Dante stretched his arm along the back of her chair, and she leaned into the warmth emitted by their contact.
“Did you help her finance this?”
His breath brushed her ear, and her body heated.
Annabelle shook her head. “She did everything herself. Fundraising, finding space, everything. She took advantage of social media and hooked up with influencers to get the word out. She insisted that if she wasn’t going to get help from her parents that she didn’t want my help. Of course, she also had the money from her trust fund, so this wasn’t entirely a bootstrapped endeavor.”
“Of course not,” Dante said with humor.
“Don’t judge.”
“No judgment,” he insisted, though the corners of his mouth lifted higher.
Annabelle shot a sideways glance at him. “Thank you for coming,” she said quietly.
His hand massaged the back of her neck beneath her hair. “Did you doubt that I would?”
“Maybe, a little. This isn’t exactly the kind of event I thought you’d attend.”
“It’s not exactly the kind of thing I normally attend, but I thought it might be interesting. At the very least, I can say I once attended a fashion show.”
“You can finally cross it off your list.”
“It was at the very top, and I worried I would never have the opportunity to do that. Thank goodness for Lacey.”
Annabelle covered her mouth as she laughed. “No need to be sarcastic,” she said.
He shot her an amused look, and her insides melted. They were definitely getting along better. Teasing, laughing—which reminded her of the early days of their first marriage. When they split, she eventually resigned herself to life without him, but in retrospect, she’d only been a shell of herself for years. Her life had been empty. A piece of her had been missing.
Now they were together she fully understood what she had given up when she walked out ten years ago.
“Ms. Buchanan, may I take a picture of you and your husband?” the in-house photographer asked. Photos of prominent attendees could be used in promotional materials later.
“Yes, I don’t mind.” Annabelle glanced at Dante, and he nodded his agreement.
She leaned closer to him, and his hand cupped her shoulder. The photographer took several snaps and then thanked them before moving on.
Finally, the lights dimmed, and the MC came out on stage. The show was about to begin.
* * *
When the show ended,Dante and Annabelle idled near the door at the front of the stage. A three-minute standing ovation had followed Lacey and the models walking out for the runway finale. Her designs were fresh and innovative, and Annabelle believed this time her friend had chosen the correct career path.
When she exited into the auditorium, Annabelle rushed over to give her a hug.
“The show was amazing! I’m so proud of you,” she said to Lacey.
“Really? Thank you. I was extremely nervous.” She let out a long exhale. “Thank you both for coming. I can’t believe I finally did it.” Her eyes were bright with tears.
“I always knew you could.”
“You’re the best.”
They hugged again.