Page 5 of Loving Harper

She realized someone had just passed through their gate. That meant they also got past the gate down by the road. The intruders had a passcode to use.

Her heart sank.

She listened in the quiet as Venom galloped back toward Harper and the front porch. He was examining tire marks in the crushed granite, searching for anything that might have been left as far as a clue.

Finally, looking completely ridiculous in his red, white, and blue boxers and blue flip-flops, he brought Venom to the front door and knocked for her to let them inside. He slipped off his flip-flops before entering.

“Did you see anything?” she asked.

“I just missed him, I guess. Venom acted like he recognized the scent. How odd.”

“They made it out the gate. I saw it closing behind.”

“Them? You saw two people?”

“No, but I have something to tell you. At the store today, I spotted a couple who looked odd.” She told him about her incident and about Venom scaring the man at the nursery later. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“We got a little carried away,” he said with a sly smile, starting to unpeel the towel from her body. “Just what are you hiding in there?” he said curiously.

“So they have the combination, then.”

“Easy to fix. Unless I have a mole on my team, impossible to guess at. I’ll have to change the codes tomorrow.” He stared back at her in the nightness. He was breathing hard, and so was she. Her heart fluttered, partly from the excitement, partly because he was rubbing her rear end through the towel.

“Do you think it’s safe?” she asked.

“I think so, for now. Venom has made his announcement. Someone would be foolish not to have taken note.”

“What about Sally? Should we call her?” Lydia asked.

“Good idea.” He grabbed his cell, left charging in the bathroom, and dialed her number. Lydia heard the angry squawk on the other end. Of course, they’d awakened her.

“This better be good,” Sally said.

“Are you secure? We just had an intruder, got through the gates. Venom picked him up.”

“Up at your place?”

“Yup. Are you all locked up?”

“I am. How the hell did he get inside?”

“We’ll have to change the gate codes.”

“Hell yeah. I think I’m going to go down to the Humane Society and get me a dog. This is nuts.”

“Sleep with your piece, Sally.”

“Already got it.”

“And call me if you see or hear anything, okay?”

“Roger that, Harper. You two stay safe. Tell Lydia not to worry.”

“And what makes you think she’ll believe me?”

Sally laughed on the other end of the line and hung up.

Harper set the phone down. “I’ll make some plans tomorrow morning. Until then, I think everything is fine.” He pointed to the bed. “Venom is right back at his old spot.”