Page 23 of Loving Harper

She leaned forward, kissing him deeply. He started to reach around to her backside, and she chastised him and pushed him back. She kissed him again, with his hands idly limp above his head.

Lydia improved the pace of their movement, riding him, tucking her feet beneath him, arching high and coming back down, moving from side to side so he could feel her insides.

He was getting fuller. Her internal muscles were starting to quiver. She was at the edge of ecstasy when at last he couldn’t take it any longer, reached up, flipped her on her tummy, propped her hips up, and rammed himself into her from behind.

He was crazed with desire, pumping deep and quick. Her control was waning as she surrendered to the pleasure he brought her. He drilled into her with everything he had. In one final push, he spilled, biting her neck as he did so which gave her a tiny bit of pain, but all the pleasure.

“God, I love you, Lydia. Thank you for bringing me back,” he whispered to her ear. “Don’t ever let me forget this again.”

“I won’t. We love in the here and now. We love in the living, love for each other. There is nothing after that, Sweetheart. I’m here forever.”

“Forever,” he said and collapsed.

Chapter 10

Greg was thefirst one to noticed Harper’s twinkle toes, the fact that he looked perhaps twenty years younger than he had last night when he marched up the stairs. Harper had gotten up before anyone else and was making blackberry pancakes. He’d even taken Venom out for his morning pee and picked berries for them.

He was singing showtunes and slamming plates around the kitchen. Everyone in the house was awake, and it was only seven.

Lydia slipped by Harper, who wouldn’t let her pass without a feel down her nighty through her robe, and after extracting his payment, he went back to the pancakes. She made coffee and then watched him work.

“Well, what in the name of Dobermans has gotten into you? Did you deposit that old self outside or something last night?” Greg asked.

“That’s about right. We got living, breathing people here. Time to feed everybody. We want to be stuffed with coffee and a sugar high so we can think. We’re going to strategize and plan, Gents. We have a mission to accomplish.”

Danny peeked around the corner, wearing his red, white, and blue pajama bottoms. His hair had morphed into a ducktail planted in the middle of his head.

“I can’t believe this. You’re crazy, Harper. You cook?”

“Oh yes, I cook. Don’t I, Mama?” he said slapping Lydia on the butt.

She felt her cheeks flush. “Yes. He cooks. Behold!”

Harper made eggs and bacon, and Lydia brewed another pot of coffee since the first one was consumed before they sat down.

“In my house, growing up,” Harper started, “we used to hold hands and give thanks. My parents weren’t good role models for much, but this one tradition, I suddenly appreciate more than others. So indulge me,” he said as he took Lydia’s hand on his right and grabbed Greg’s on the left. Forming a circle, the boys scanned each other’s faces. Lydia could see a question forming there.

“I want each one of you to say something good that happened in the last twenty-four hours. Just one thing and then we go to the next person. I’ll go first. I am thankful for the loving arms of my lovely wife, Lydia, and her conniving ways. I know I said one, but I have another. I’m thankful for Venom’s strong constitution, for his unfailing loyalty. Good to have you back home, Venom.”

The dog cocked his head but stayed sitting to attention next to Harper’s chair, hoping for a table scrap.


“Wow, this is so unexpected. Never done this before. I’m thankful for being able to stay in the legend’s home. Now I can tell all my friends who served with him that he is master of his castle and has built himself a home fit for a king. Harper, if I win the lottery, tell me you’ll sell this home to me?”

Everyone laughed.

“The answer is no.”

They laughed again.

All eyes were on Danny.

“I’m thankful for sincere friends, for people we can count on, for people with values I aspire to. I appreciate the leadership, Harper, and the inspiration, Lydia.”

“Something go on while I was in D.C.?” Harper asked her.

“Oh, lots went on. Not sure how inspiring I was. I was a mess. A total mess. These guys helped me get out of my meltdown. And for that, I’m grateful. I think when what you truly love is threatened, it makes you appreciate them more. I appreciate and love all of you, some more than others,” she said as she winked at Harper.