“You know, Dad, you bought me a nice one last year. I love that thing. I don’t want to give it up for anything. So you just save your money.”

His dad grinned, his face wrinkled in long lines along the sides of his eyes and cheeks, his mouth twisted and grooved from more laughter than frowns. Even as a boy, his dad had the Grand Canyon between his brows, and it was getting deeper still. His lips pulled back over his teeth, revealing how much his gums had receded. His lips were turning purple. Harper was going to have to ask about that.

“How are you feeling, Dad? Any problems?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you this, Sonny, this is a great place. I’d come back here. They really take good care of me. I mean, I wish your mom was here too, but oh my gosh, I would come back again. Wonderful vacation. Wonderful people. And the music—they have a lot of talented people here. They sing, dance. We make music sometimes here with the buds. It’s just a ball.”

“I’m glad. I’m really glad.”

Harper was suddenly tired and wanted to get home and get a good night’s rest. He missed Venom and couldn’t wait to see the beautiful dog.

“So, Dad, I’m going to take off, but I’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”

“They might have space or could put you up in here. And let me tell you something, the girls here are fantastic! I mean, I’ve never seen such beautiful waitresses, just beautiful wait staff. Very efficient and the food is excellent. I’m going to book a nice, long massage!”

“Well, I don’t want to spoil it for you then. I’ll come back tomorrow, and we’ll sit down and have a long talk. Maybe we’ll go for a walk?”

“I would like that. How long are you staying this time?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe a couple of weeks. I have some work to do at the house, and then I have to return back south for a couple of Team meetings. But I’ll be able to visit you several times. Don’t worry.”

“Then I’ll have all the ladies to myself!”

Harper had turned to go when Mary pointed to the wall. Scrawled all over it in permanent black felt marker were pictures, just like she described. Cocks, tits, and ass. It appeared no one cleaned it up, fearing he’d just re-decorate the wall all over again.

He closed his eyes, opened them again, and still saw the vulgar images staring back at him. He was going to say something to his father about it, but the old man was staring out the black window at nothing.

Chapter 3

Harper drove slowlyup the two-mile paved road that led to Sally’s house, about a mile from the top of the hill where Harper lived. There was a full moon outside, peeking out through the oak and madrone trees that hung over the driveway. In the midnight air, the forest was shiny with moisture picked up in the moonlight. When he rolled down the windows, he heard distant coyotes and predatory birds flying overhead, owls and hawks signaling to each other.

At Sally’s front door, he heard her talking to Venom and the familiar tap-tap-tap of his claws on Sally’s wooden floors. The dog was dancing in circles inside, Harper knew this. Of course Venom would recognize the sound of his truck, probably the sounds of his gait as he crunched his way across the gravel driveway as well. So when Harper knocked on the door and Sally opened it wide, Venom lunged into his arms, nearly tipping him backward off the front porch and onto his butt.

“Whoa, Boy. Missed you too, Bud,” he said, laughing as the dog tried every way he could to lick his face.

The dog squealed then danced around him in circles. Jumping, he tried to lick his face again. Venom was filled with exuberance, showing Harper he was beyond delighted to see him again. If the dog had arms, Harper knew he would’ve returned the hug Harper gave him when he knelt and wrapped his arms around the dog’s torso. Venom placed his large head on Harper’s shoulder, leaning into his ear, and then reared back to lick his face.

Sally interceded on Harper’s behalf. “Now, now Venom, let’s calm down,” she said. “He’s been so excited, ever since the phone call. He’s not been controllable.”

As if to confirm, Venom leaned in and licked him on the lips all the way up his nose and between his eyebrows.

Harper laughed, trying to catch the dog again. “Well, I guess this can be excused. But you need to settle down, okay?”

Venom sat on his haunches and waited for a command. It was like he was demanding Harper tell him to do something and he would gladly do it, whether it was pick up a toy or fetch a stick or a ball or chase a critter. He was letting Harper know he was ready for action, and it mattered not that it was in the middle of the night.

Harper stood, adjusting his back while Venom turned toward Sally and sat on Harper’s feet. They were one team, man and dog.

“Sorry about the late night, Sally. But I’m glad I saw Dad. I’ve got some things to research in the morning, and I’ll have to go back there. He’s okay for now, but man, I’m not sure how much longer all this is going to work.”

Sally frowned, her grey hair disheveled as she wiped her hands on her apron. Her eyes showed nothing but compassion. She tilted her head to the side. “I’m so sorry, Harper. You don’t need that complication, do you?”

“Timing’s never good, Sally. Not when it comes to the end of life for someone you love. It’s just the way it goes, isn’t it? The hits keep on coming. Still, we all know his time is running out. The body is more than willing, and part of me wishes he wasn’t so healthy.” He gave Sally a big smile.

“Oh, I understand. And you know, sometimes they can last a long time but just get more and more difficult. You’re back now. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Harper. You always do. How was your trip?”

“You mean, did I save the world?” he said, chuckling.

“Something like that, yes. I know you won’t really tell me.”