“I’m going to have to file some paperwork, so you let me know if you’re for sure going to pull the trigger on this thing. Okay?”

“You bet.”

Kyle looked up at Hamish, who towered over him, and delivered his parting shot. “I’m doing this because I want you to still stay on the Teams somehow. I don’t know how they’re going to work it out, but if you can come back, I want to keep that door open. I’m sure Grant over at Team 5 is not going to be happy when you talk to him. You might have to go in this upcoming deployment and then sit out the next one, so you give old Harper here a chance to show what kind of a miracle he can put off. But if you’re getting any kind of pushback, because you’re leaving so quickly, and you want to go now, I’m going to have to crack some heads.”

“Understood, Sir.”

“I’m doing this with a full heart and an open invitation to come back. And I don’t care which team you come back to, I just don’t want to be accused of diluting the teams for some kind of an experimental deal. We don’t poach from each other’s groups. We take people we need for short assignments. We do that all the time, especially on a temporary duty assignment. But we don’t poach. So I’m only doing this, because I expect you’ll come back, and you won’t do it either.”

“We’re all on the same page, Kyle. If it’s going to get fucked up, I’m out. I won’t put you through that, Sir,” said Hamish.

“Good. I want you to treat the Navy like the good friend it’s been. It’s not perfect, because it’s made up of men and women who are imperfect by nature, but you owe them a lot for all the training and all the support they’ve given you over the years. You make sure you do this respectfully, and I don’t want a shit storm. I especially don’t want to create something that will jeopardize my retirement or advancement. You got it?”

Harper was getting slightly annoyed. “Hey, Kyle, how many times do we have to reassure you? Come on, Man.”

“Until I’m convinced you’re telling me the truth. Now get the Hell out of my sight,” Kyle said as he pushed Harper in the chest.

They both jumped back into Hamish’s truck, and they headed for the airport, leaving Kyle behind at the Rusty Scupper.

In the rearview mirror, Harper watched Kyle’s body get smaller and smaller, until he could no longer make him out in the crush of tourists wandering up and down the strand.

The guy was a giant of a man. Harper would make sure he was protected, just as Kyle had done for him for over a decade.

Chapter 10

The two friendsembraced one last time at the departure gate.

“Hey, Man, don’t sweat it. If your lady doesn’t want any part of it, just figure it wasn’t for you. No hard feelings either way.”

“Honestly, Harper, I don’t know what she’ll say. I know she worries about me these days. Maybe she did when we were first together too, but she did a better job of covering it up. Funny how old age changes things, doesn’t it?”

That particular comment hit Harper like a frozen wave. He had no one in his life, not anymore, and he’d only had her for a few years. He didn’t know what it was like to be a father or husband long term. But Hamish didn’t mean anything by it, so Harper just grinned and let it slide.

“Well, you’re a lucky man, Hamish. Those kids of yours, they’re genuine works of art. They need you. Don’t do anything to jeopardize that.”

“Tell me honestly, Harper. You think it will be less dangerous?”

“You know the answer to that, Hamish. You could get hit by a bus on the way home today. Nothing’s for certain, right? I think Kyle’s right about the fact that there’s that unfinished part of my life that I have to tackle. I’m going to surround myself with a few people I’m going to feel good about going into battle with. Otherwise, they don’t make the team. If it gets something too complicated, or I don’t have enough control, then it’s not for me, and I’ll come back to Team 3. Kyle said he’d take me back. That’s the only lifeline I need at this point.”

“Yeah, as long as the Navy does. You know what you’re doing. I kind of envy the fact that you don’t have roots.”

“Now, don’t you dare envy that, Hamish. I’ve got Venom and my neighbor, Sally, and all you guys. That’s it. No family, no wife, girlfriends, kids. One small exception is one of Sally’s friends teaches yoga at the beach at sunset. But I’m not ready. In a way, that’s how I realized I needed to excise some demons first. Shit, Hamish, I’m too scared to engage.”

Hamish chucked.

“I just think there’s something for me out there. I owe it to Lydia to grab that guy, and then maybe, just then, I can let it all go.”

Hamish grabbed him and squeezed his torso so hard it nearly busted a rib or two. “You take care of yourself, Brother. You’re a national treasure. Don’t forget it. Make it count.”

Harper didn’t turn around as he swung the duffel bag and computer case over his shoulder. Truth was, his eyes were watering. He was so fucking lonely, nothing a couple of good nights’ sleep, some heavy gardening, doing repairs in the yard, and painting could fix. Not tonight, but tomorrow or the next day, maybe he’d go out to the ocean and see if Evie was there. But only if it was right. And now, just going home was the rightest thing he could do.

While he waited to board, he called Sally.

“Oh, glad you’re coming today. Does this mean I don’t have to stay up until midnight or two a.m.?”

“That’s what it means. Venom give you any trouble?”

“Oh my God, no! Perfect gentleman. Eats like a horse, he stays right by my side, even following me into the bathroom. He and I are a team. We both know I’m second best, but it’s the best we can do for right now. I know he’d rather be with you.”