“You making me wait for it?”

“Hang on. We’ve come across some intel, and it looks like the shooter you got—you know, the one we put down in Africa almost eighteen months ago now, the guy who got to Lydia?”

Harper sucked in air and barely got out, “Oh shit, no.” He felt his blood pressure rise, and the vein on the right side of his neck begin to pulse like maybe it was going to really burst this time.

“Yeah, that guy. Turns out, we got the wrong intel. He was a shooter, and he was part of their squad, that Jakob Freedom militia from Benin. He definitely was a bad dude, but he wasn’tthebad dude. And State Department thinks they have a way to get the actual guy this time. I just wanted to let you know you might be getting a call. And when you do, I want you to talk to me first before you give any answer to their questions. They’re thinking about putting together a task force, multi-department sort of thing. And nobody knows about it in an official capacity, so you didn’t hear it from me. I’m just giving you a heads-up so you can be prepared, that’s all.”

“This the part where I’m supposed to thank you or something. You wait until I get back home to tell me this?”

“Like I said, I tried.”

“What do you mean by multi-department? You mean like a Special Forces group?”

“Yeah. That’s what it is. Now you and I know, we can only listen to these things once or twice, and then we want to sit down and see the particulars, right? I mean they talk a good game, but when it comes right down to it, we’re the ones who have to evaluate whether or not it’s a good idea or whether or not we want to participate. My fear is, Harper—and this is just man-to-man because I love you, Brother, and I don’t want to lose you—they’re trying to pull you out of my team and put you in somebody else’s.”

“You mean somebody who’s already set on a rotation to go out there quicker. Are you talking Africa then?”

“I’m not sure, because it’s not Team 5. I called Hughes right away, and he’s not heard a thing. So that tells me it might be somewhere else. Maybe Middle East, maybe Europe. I don’t know.”

“So you’re saying the shooter is alive?”

“The one that actually did the assassination, yes. He is an Italian national. A revolutionary ever since he was like twelve years old. His parents were professors, educated in Russia and up to no good. He even did a stint here in the States as a minor traveling with his parents when they were teaching radical European history at Duncan University. I don’t know where the parents are, but the kid grew up bent as hell, and he apparently joined this militia group thinking he could make a difference.”

That stung. “Oh, he made a difference all right. Fuckin’ asshole doesn’t deserve to be alive.”

“No argument with me on that, Harper. Anyway, turns out he’s not quite in it for the violence. He likes being a little cushier. It was supposed to be a tryout, and he didn’t pass. But he got lucky with a shot, Harper. Just one shot. Wasn’t even aiming for her, but he got her anyway.”

Now Harper was really pissed.

“And from what I understand, and Karin backs me up on this, he’s putting together a group in Europe to do some possible large-scale bombings or terror campaigns, with help from funding by our enemies. Russia has a hand in it for sure. He supposedly doesn’t want to work with the Africans anymore.”

“While I hate the guy, I can certainly understand that. I think, in his shoes, I’d probably choose the same. So they’re thinking of taking him down outside Africa?”

“Look, Harper, the less you know the better it’s going to be, because you’re one hell of a bad liar, and they’ll see right through it if you know too much. Besides, my information could be wrong. But I want you to talk to me before you decide anything, okay? They reached out to me for how to get a hold of you, and they want you to come back to D.C. and sit for an interview. I’m not sure it’s something you have to do. I’m telling you as your LPO, because I really don’t want to lose you, especially for some kind of an op that isn’t under our complete control. You and I know not all the teams are the same. But my understanding is this would not be run by SEALs at all. Maybe civilian-run, and that makes me nervous.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. But okay, it’s a deal. I’ll talk to you about it before I decide to do anything. I’m not likely to jump in, but it sure would be nice to get rid of the guy. Maybe then some of my nightmares would stop.”

Harper was older now. If he’d been in his twenties, he would’ve jumped at the chance to take down the guy, even if it cost him an arm, leg, eye, or his life. He wanted revenge and often made those types of decisions early on. But now, he had more to live for. He wanted to be careful, strategize. If he could do both things at once, well, then he might be interested. But he told Kyle not to worry and that as soon as he heard from the powers that be, he’d get back with him right away.

Harper surveyed the garden and the canyon below. At the top of the swale on the other side, the pine trees were bright green at their tips, indicating they’d recently gone through a growth spurt. Everything was lush and green as it could be. Lydia would have loved the flower garden he created, which was twice the size of the one she saw when she was alive.

Venom was happy, resting at his feet. He could even see himself maybe doing some evening yoga events. It wasn’t a great idea, but he was willing to suspend his negativity and consider it.

He dialed Hamish next.

“Hey there, are you about ready to leave?” Harper asked when his friend picked up on the first ring.

“Next week, my man. We’re going right back into the vipers’ den. Although, this time they know we’re coming thanks to you assholes. You guys woke them up real good.”

“I got it. And look, I’m sorry.”

“I know you didn’t call me just to say goodbye. That would be stupid as hell, so everything okay at home?”

“I’m having some trouble with my dad, but he’s strong as an ox. It’s just his brain is letting him down. Gotta see if we can change his meds or do something, because right now, they want to tie him up and throw him in a padded cell.”

“Jesus Christ. Something like that happens to me, Harper, promise me you’ll just give me a nice bullet to the brain, okay?”

“Same here, Buddy. But you know how Dad is. I can’t do that to him. I just have to find a way to help. I’m not sure what that means yet.”