Page 22 of Dirty Weekend

“Sometimes we carpool,” she said. “John and Kevin both have cars so we ride with them in the mornings. And then in the evenings we use rideshare. It’s cheaper than having a car. At least for now. Besides, John’s car has been broken into several times since we’ve lived here. It’s not a great neighborhood.”

“Did Cami pack a bag to take with her?” Jack asked. “Anyone she would’ve stayed the night with?”

Toby looked at John quickly and then back down at her hands, making it clear that his sexual relationship with Cami was known among the others.

“No,” she said. “She didn’t have anything with her but her purse. She just said she’d be back in a couple of hours with the files she needed.”

“What about you guys,” Jack said. “Did you see her leave or come back home?”

“I was out that night,” John said. “I was at a dinner at Le Chez with Judge Mitchell and several other attorneys who have judgeship appointments coming. I didn’t come home until well after midnight.”

“You clerk for Judge Mitchell too?” Jack asked, looking between him and Toby.

As soon as Jack asked the question, Toby’s shoulders tensed and she stopped twisting the ring on her finger.

“I wasn’t invited,” Toby said, arching a brow. “Mitchell likes the boys’ club and he likes to let his female clerks do all the work.”

“You know that’s not true, Toby,” John said. “We all work hard. But Judge Mitchell knows my goal is to end up on the bench. And that’s a politics game that you’re not willing to play. He’s just helping me network and meet the right people.”

“Sure,” Toby said, rolling her eyes.

It sounded like a familiar argument.

“What about you?” Jack asked Will.

“I was here,” he said. “But I was in my room. I had a friend stay late. She left about two in the morning, and then I went to sleep.”

“What’s her name?”

Will hesitated for a second. “Is that important?”

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t,” Jack said. “We can move much faster and catch whoever did this if we can verify all of your whereabouts.”

Will nodded. “Helena Rosenberg.”

“We’ll need to contact her for confirmation,” Jack said.

“God, Will,” John said, looking at him with disgust. “Helena? Are you stupid? Do you know who her father is? Do you even want a career?”

“Shut up, John,” Will said, standing and moving over to the bar to pour himself a drink. His hands shook, and I knew he’d much rather have a hit of whatever had him flying high when we’d arrived.

“Who’s Helena Rosenberg?” Jack asked. “Just so we know what we’re dealing with.”

“Richard Rosenberg’s daughter,” John said, still looking at Will like he’d grown a horn out of the middle of his forehead. “Like, Supreme Court Justice Richard Rosenberg.”

Jack was an excellent poker player and his face displayed none of the annoyance I’m sure he was feeling at that bit of information.

There was a knock on the front door, and Jack looked down at his watch. “That’ll be the rest of the team,” Jack said. “We’ll need all of you to stay confined in this area for the moment. I’m sure you all know the drill. Dr. Graves and I will start upstairs in Cami’s room.”

“Do you have a warrant?” Will asked, knocking back three fingers of whiskey in one gulp.

“We’ve already been over this, Will,” Jack said, shaking his head. “I don’t need one for any common areas. This is an active murder investigation. This is Cami Downey’s place of residence. We’re going to search it. Because someone stabbed her thirteen times and tossed her in the creek.”

Toby gasped and put her hands over her mouth. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe this is real. This can’t be real.”

Jack went to let the CSI team in and gave instructions on where to start. Will kept eyeing the door to his apartment, and I wondered if it was because he was looking for a fix or because he had something to hide.

Chapter Seven