Page 20 of Lucky

“Look, I don't want no trouble,” Tommy pleaded, the sweat on his brow gleaming under the bar's dim lights.

“Then give us something we can use,” Kylie cooed, her hand brushing his arm with deceptive tenderness. “We will leave, and you won’t hear anything else from us.”

Under the combined weight of Lucky's looming threat and Kylie's sultry persuasion, Tommy's resistance crumbled. Words tumbled out—a meeting place, a plan in motion—all the pieces they needed.

“Good boy,” Lucky praised, his hand closing around a wad of bills he slid across the sticky surface. A silent transaction promising silence and safety.

“Ready for what comes next?” Lucky asked, his gaze locking with Kylie’s.

“I am. Are you going to tell Trinity about this?”

“Absolutely. I won’t hide anything from her. You and I sometimes have to go undercover to get information we need, there’s nothing between us. She’ll understand.”

“Good. I like this one, Lucky. I like her a lot.”

“Me, too. I plan on keeping her.”

Once back at the compound, Lucky smiled, seeing Trinity curled up in a ball under a blanket, being read a story by Irish. He immediately closed the book when Lucky walked in.

“Daddy!” Trinity jumped up and ran over, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Were you good while I was away?” He sensed her little showing and was thankful that she felt safe enough to be herself here.

“Of course!” she said. “I’s a good girl.”

“Why don’t you go on up to my suite and get ready for bed, Little Rabbit. I’ll be right up.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Lucky paused to marvel at the change in her behavior. Maybe he needed to take his belt to her behind more often. “Get your affairs in order today; tomorrow, we ride out to find Rake,” Lucky called out to the remaining men. As the club members dispersed, readying themselves for the confrontation to come, Lucky thought about his Little Girl upstairs. He took the stairs two at a time to join her. She made him feel happy, special, and young again. Their connection ran deeper than the thrill of the ride, the rush of the fight—something he never thought he would find.



Trinity bounced into the house ahead of Lucky, her arms filled with tasty treats from the new bakery in town.

“I can't wait! I can't wait!” With everything going on, she was looking forward to seeing her best friend Delilah, Kayla, and Mia. Veronica couldn’t come, she had a last-minute work emergency so, Kayla was coming instead. She needed little time with women who understood.

“Your friends will be here in five minutes, Little Rabbit,” Lucky assured her. “Remember the rules we talked about?”

“One, listen to Mitch and Tank.” Trinity held up a finger. “Two, don’t overfill myself with so many cupcakes; I get sick, and three,” she held up a third finger, “don’t worry about Daddy. I don’t know if I cannotworry about you.”

“Little Rabbit, if you focus on staying in little space and having fun the way a four-year-old would, Daddy will be back before you know it. Preschoolers don’t worry about their parent’s safety.”

“Yes, they do too! Maybe not in the same way an adult would?—”

“Well, they shouldn’t have to worry about it,” he said. “Now, if you listen to Uncle Mitch and Uncle Tank while I’m gone and you are a good girl, Daddy will make sure to reward your behavior. If you don’t listen, they have permission to punish?—”

“Not spank!” Trinity gasped out.

“No, not spank. Spanking is for Daddy only. Punish you with timeout. If they have to punish you, Little Rabbit, Daddy will be very disappointed and you’ll get another punishment from Daddy for not following the rules.”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll be a very good girl! Can I have a cupcake now?”

“Not yet. Wait until your friends get here.”

Trinity was practically vibrating with excitement as she waited for her friends to arrive. As soon as the doorbell rang, Trinity's heart fluttered with excitement. She rushed to open the door and was greeted by Delilah, Mia, and Kayla, all looking just as thrilled to be there for a playdate. They squealed and giggled, their little hands clutching onto their favorite toys. Lucky watched from the doorway, a smile on his face.