Page 96 of Twisted Truths

“Yeah.” He nodded. “You have a lot to talk about.”

“I wonder if this was how Ethan felt.” I tapped my hand on the top of the car, making the boys scream and laugh. Probably should go before they get hangry.”

Dad smiled at me and got into the car. After they pulled out of the driveway, I hopped in my car and drove next door.

I killed the engine and left the keys inside as I stepped out. The big blue barn stood there as a reminder of my time with Miranda. The one time in my life I knew what it was to make love to someone and not fuck.

The one time that created our son.

I walked over to the back door and knocked before opening it. “Miranda?”

“In the kitchen!” She called back, and I went inside.

The washer and dryer stood against the wall, and in the back corner sat a box filled with shoes. Puffy winter jackets lined the wall and hooks held dog leashes.

Walking to the right, I entered the kitchen and saw her sitting on the counter in the corner of the kitchen. She had a bottle of beer on her lips while taking a drink.

“I never thought I’d see you drink.” My voice was low.

“Yeah, well, sometimes I imbibe.” She lifted it up. “Don’t judge me.”

“Fuck!” I threw my hands up and walked closer to the small island. “I don’t even know what the hell to say!”

“I told you.” She lifted her eyes to mine.

“Sure. You told me.” I smarted off. “But you sure didn’t try to make sure I knew what I was hearing!”

“Don’t you yell at me.” She raised her voice. “I was sixteen. Had unprotected sex one fucking time and then bam!”

“Oh. I know.” My voice raised. “I was there.”

“Well, no shit!” She slid down from the counter, slamming her bottle down. “I thought you were different! I thought you cared!”

“I did care!” I slammed my hand against my chest, punctuating the words. “So much so I made a fucking deal with Victoria for her to leave you alone!”

“Ha!” Her eyes went wild. “Jokes on you. That bitch went at me harderandgot me suspended!”

“I. Didn’t. Know.”

“Bullshit! She warned me you were gonna fuck me over.” She opened a cabinet and took out a glass, slamming the cabinet door. “And then I took the bullshit rap for the goddamned goat so you could graduate!” She yanked open the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of water. “And the icing on that shit cake came when I went with Jo to her grandma’s and got sick.”

“How dare you yell at me?” I stalked over to the cabinet and took out another glass. “I’m not the one who kept a child from you!”

“I. Told. You.” She snatched the glass from my hand, handed me her filled one and yanked the fridge open again. “You want to bitch me out for not making sure it was clear, but where the fuck were you? You didn’t exactly chase me down!”

She put the empty glass in the fridge and slammed the door.

“You … I … You …” I slammed the water glass on the small island, reached for her and pulled her to me as I covered her lips with mine.


The audacity!

I squirmed and shoved him back. “What the hell?”

His hands reached out, grabbing my head and his lips crashed over mine again, and this time I melted against him.

I’d never felt a kiss with so much emotion in it.