Page 93 of Twisted Truths

Disgusted with my body for responding, I forced my eyes to meet hers again. Both boys stood extremely still beside her.

“You can breathe.” She whispered.

“Phew.” Dillon wiped his brow.

They didn’t have to wait long for the curious goat to come over, sniffing Dillon first, then Charlie.

“What do you boys think would be a good name for her?” The sweetness in her voice settled over me like a familiar blanket.

“Hmmmm…” Dillon stroked an imaginary beard. “How about Soda?”

“Soda?” Charlie repeated, tapping his chin. “I likes it.”

“Why soda?” My curiosity needed to be sated.

“Hmm, she bubbles like soda.” Charlie nodded and Dillon agreed.

“Soda it is.” Miranda scratched the goat under her chin.

“There you guys are.” My dad came out of the house. “I came by to see if you wanted to go for di …” He stopped in place, his jaw open.

“What Grampa?” Dillon tilted his head in confusion.

“Who?” He shook his head.

“That’s my question too.” My voice was dangerously low, and I knew I was about to lose my temper.

“I Charlie.” The young boy smiled, and a dimple appeared on his cheek. The same cheek as mine. “S’my mommy Randa.” He pointed at my doll.

I got up from the ground, keeping my eyes locked on hers. “I saw you last month. You came for the geese.”

My dad rocked back on his heels.

“Wow.” She deadpanned looking away from me. “You’re observant.”

“Geese are mean.” Dillon informed everyone.

Her face screwed up in confusion. “What? Who told you that?”

“My dad.” He pointed at me.

She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Some wild geese are, but those are well behaved.”

“One of them bit my ah … butt,” I couldn’t stop the edge of anger that tainted my voice.

“Yeah?” She turned my head to look at me. “What didyoudo to deserve it?”

I felt my mouth open and close a few times.

“Son, you look like a big-mouthed bass.”


The boys took off chasing the goat, falling over to play dead when Soda did. Watching them play tugged hard on my heart. And the million-dollar question was on the tip of my tongue to ask, but utter bullshit came out instead.

“Why do you even have geese?” I stepped closer to her, and I caught a whiff of her scent.

Turning her head, she moved her eyes down my body, a small smile creasing her face when she no doubt noticed the outline of my hard dick in my jeans. “You’re awful nosey for someone who doesn’t give a shit.”