Page 81 of Twisted Truths

“Yeah, my mom keeps buying him shit.” I shrugged. “She claims it’s her love language.”

“He looks too small for all of it, except that car.”

“Right?” I laughed. “He hates that fuckin thing.” Looking my friend over, I saw defeat in his body. “So I’m not the lone loser with a kid anymore.”

“Gene?” He chuffed.

“No, I swung by Edie’s earlier.” I shrugged. “I figured she could use some of Dillon’s things he outgrew and there was a little girl curled up with her.”

“What’s up with her?”

“They’re trying to keep her from going into full-blown labor to give the boy time to grow more.”

His eyes filled with wonder. “She knows it’s a boy?”

“Yeah. She’s not telling her brothers yet.” I laughed. “She’s afraid they’ll be terrible influences.”

“Jooosh.” Dillon waddled over to us. “Joosh, da.”

“Let’s go in. He’s thirsty.”

“You understood that?” He pointed to my son, who reached up and grabbed his arm, trying to scale his body. “Uh? Is this normal?”

“Dillon, Ethan’s not a jungle gym.”

“Eten.” He let go of his arm and wrapped himself around Ethan’s leg, bouncing. “Gid yap.”

“He, uh, wants you to walk with him like that.”

Chuckling, He followed me inside, taking the most awkward steps ever. I went over to the fridge and took out Dillon’s sippycup and held it out. Dillon fell backwards dramatically from Ethan’s leg, popped up and ran to get his cup.

We both watched him waddle out of the kitchen into his playroom, where crashing sounds came out immediately after his entry.

“It’s his room. He can do what he wants.” Opening the fridge, I took out two beers and nodded to the table. “Have a seat.”

We sat at the table, and I handed him a beer. Tears brimmed in his eyes. “How did you know she was mine?”

I laughed and put his beer down, shaking my head. “She came up pregnant around the same time Vicki did. So I figured it was yours.”

“I didn’t tell anyone we slept together.” Tipping his beer back, he took a drink. “She didn’t even remember it.”

“Oh, yeah.” I took a drink, then looked him in the eye. “I saw you. Everyone at the party that night started looking for you. I volunteered to find you. And found you I did.”

He sat there, lost in his thoughts.

“You were so pissed off when you came back downstairs.”

He shook his head. “I took advantage of her.”

“Um, not from where I was standing. I was there long enough for her to push your trunks down and make the plunge herself.”


“Dude.” I busted up. “I also knew you were the one who fucked Jackson up.” I pointed my bottle at him. “And he ran his mouth about his conquest.”

“What?” Shock replaced the sadness on his face.

“Yeah, almost a month later he bragged about baggin’ the rich boy’s cherry.” I shrugged. “When Frankie was born, the math only made sense if she was yours.”