Page 79 of Twisted Truths

We watched as the prez peppered him with punches. Jackson screamed until a punch landed into his mouth with a sickening crunch.

“Ma was right about you.” The president pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one, blowing out a long stream of smoke. “Then again, she usually is.”

Evelyn came outside with a bucket of water and some towels. “Can I hit him?”

Big E and Gene busted up laughing. “That’s Evie.”

“I’m Gabe.”

“I know.” She smiled. “Your vest says you’re the president.”

“I am.” He smiled at her. “Is my ma helping in there?”

“Yes, sir.” She nodded. “So can I hit him?”

He took another drag and nodded. “You know how to throw a punch?”

Evelyn stepped up and landed a hard one on Jackson in the nutsack making him cough blood on her. I swore her eye twitched before she punched him again. “Asshole.”

“Got some rope, Evie?” One of the other bikers spoke up.

“Who’re you?”

“I’m John.”

“I’ll go get the rope, John.” She turned, making her ponytail bounce. “Oh, and Jackson? I hope you choke on your spit for hurting Vivi.”

We all watched her go back inside, and the last biker shook his head, chuckling. “She’s a riot.”

“She’s something.” Gene chuckled.

“That truck out front belong to one of you?” I gave him a nod, and he nodded back. “I got an address for ya. You can take him there and drop him off.”

“I’ll take him.” Ethan held his hand out for the keys.

Jackson shuddered and mumbled, looking up at me. I walked closer and leaned down. “What was that?”

“Hope you like raising my brat.” He wheezed and my fist flew up, slamming into his jaw.

“Rot in hell.”

Evie brought the rope back, handing it to Gabe, and Big motioned for her to head home.

We cleaned up as best we could outside and followed Gene back in through the back door. The bikers and Big E went around front.

I chuckled as we sat back down without Ethan. “Here, I thought my life was peaceful.”

“You know he was just trying to get a rise from you.” Dexter flared his nostrils. “What an ass.”

“You know what?” I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

We took our time after so we could eat and get our tempers to settle before we went back to work.

Since Ethan had my truck, I had Dex drop me off at the site and I got back to work. I don’t know when he brought it back, and it didn’t matter.

My work truck sitting in the parking lot meant he was back safe. Jackson, no doubt, was getting what was coming to him.

Ethan, however, was about to have his world turned upside down.