Page 7 of Twisted Truths

“I just wasn’t expecting something funny.” He moved close enough to brush a tear away from my cheek. “My dad drinks.”

Sniffling, I looked into his dark eyes and saw sadness in them. “Adults think they’re smart and know what they’re doing.”

“But they don’t.” His voice was barely a whisper. “I miss my dad.” He nodded. “I mean before the drinking.”

“What about your mom?” I reached out and brushed a tear from his cheek.

“She’s a class A bitch.” He frowned. “She makes my dad miserable.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I felt I owed you something since I hurt your feelings.”

“I guess we’re even then.” I sat back and smiled at him.

He thumbed to the opening behind me. “I should probably go.”

“Wait.” I put my hand on his shoulder, stunned when I felt an electric shock on my fingertips. “How did you know to find me here?”

“Don’t sweat it, Holly Hobbie.” He moved around me and dropped down to the ground. “Later.”

I scrambled to the small window and the weirdest thought hit me as I watched him walk away.

You could’ve stayed.

I sat back and slammed my head against the wall as the tears poured from my eyes. “It’s not fair!” I slammed my head back again. “It’s not fair when I need you!”

Pulling my legs up, I sobbed against my knees. All I wanted was my mom back. I missed my dad too, but my mom kept my secrets and gave me advice.

I didn’t want some stupid joke, one of the cute popular jerks, said to me to hurt. And I didn’t want to wish he was still here, so I didn’t feel so alone in the world.


Looking over my shoulder, I saw her watching me before she turned away. Then I heard a loud knock before I heard her sobbing.

I had no idea what I could do to help, but I turned back and climbed up into the treehouse. Miranda was balled up, her body shaking as she cried.

I’m an asshole.

She would give anything to have her parents back, and I would give anything to have my parents gone.

Okay. Not both parents. Just my mom.

I sat beside her and patted her back awkwardly. She leaned into me, and I moved my arm around her, holding her.

Her arms wrapped around me, and I pulled her into my lap.

I’d never seen someone cry like this. Not that I haven’t been around people crying before, but these weren’t little tears. Her tears were big and pouring from her eyes.

Moving my mouth to her ear, I whispered, hoping she would hear me. “I’m sorry, Miranda.”

“Everyone is sorry.” She shuddered as she tried to breathe. “I snotted on you.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “It washes.” I brushed her hair from her mottled face, covered in tears and snot. She still looked cute to me, and her freckles stood out more. “Holly Hobbie.”

A small smile graced her face. “Seriously? How do you know who she is?”

“I saw a doll at an antique store.”