Page 53 of Twisted Truths

I felt my face screw up in disgust. “No.”

“Don’t you tell me no.” He pointed at me. “You created this problem and you don’t get to walk away.”

“What. Problem?” I sat forward.

Victoria’s voice was barely audible as her lips moved. “I’m pregnant.”

I felt like someone sucked the air from my lungs. “What?”

“I’m pregnant.” She repeated.

“You’re joking.”

Please, God, let her be joking.

“Young man, this is nothing to joke about.” Mr. Bryant tossed an envelope at me.

My hands shook as I opened it and read the letter confirming Victoria’s pregnancy along with the ultrasound pictures. “But we were safe?”

“Young man, the action of having sex is something that should be saved for marriage, and since you coerced my daughter into your lewd actions, it’s time you pay the consequences.”

“I didn’t coerce anything!” My chest felt tight, and my head throbbed harder. “Do you know what a slut she is?”

My mother backhanded me, knocking me back in my chair. “Charles Henry Walsh!”

“Margaret.” My dad snapped in a low voice. “Accidents happen.”

I shook my head and jumped up from the table. “No. No. It’s not possible. She’s on the pill and I used condoms.”

“Why would she be on the pill if she was waiting for marriage?” Mr. Bryant’s eyebrow raised.

“I thought you were smarter than this,” Mom sneered at me.

Pointing at Victoria, I thought I was going to vomit. “Ask. Her.”

“Daddy, I wasn’t.” She sniffled, and I shook my head.

As I took in Victoria’s mottled face with tears streaming down her cheeks, a single thought crossed my mind. “Did you do this on purpose?”

“No.” She sobbed harder. “How could you even think that?”

“Fuck!” I scrubbed my hands over my face.

“Charles Henry Walsh!” my mom snapped. “Sit down and act like you were raised with manners.”

Outstanding. The bitch cornered me, and my mom is worried about fucking manners.

Taking my seat, I looked over at Victoria. “What do you want to do?”

“There’s only one option, young man.” Her dad sneered.

“It’s not your body. Not your call.” I snapped and felt my dad’s hand on my shoulder.

“Well, she can’t have an abortion, if that’s what you are thinking!” Mrs. Bryant raised her voice as she wrapped her arms around Victoria.

“My daughter is not having a child out of wedlock.” Her father slammed his hand on the table.

“Mel, we’re not in the dark ages.” My dad lifted his cup of coffee. “This is something for them to figure out.”