Page 3 of Twisted Truths

Dad barked out a laugh. “The boy stays with me, and I’m not giving you a dime.”

“A boy should be with his mother.” She hissed.

“You only want the money I’d pay in child support.”

“Well, as his mother, I’d need to clothe and feed him.”

“Uh-huh.” My dad shook his head. “You’re no better than your sister. All you see are dollar signs.”

Mom’s hand flew out and slapped Dad. “Don’t you dare compare me to Judy.”

“Truth hurts, sweetheart.” He laughed. “You can leave. The boy stays with me.”

“Fine. We can do shared custody.”

“He is not a pawn to be brokered over.” Dad’s glass slammed on the desk. “He stays with me. Period.”

“No court is going to take a child from their mother.”

My dad changed the pitch of his voice, mocking her. “I’m tired of this life, Thomas. I want the life we had before that brat came along. Where I could go out and enjoy my time with my friends.”

“You, asshole.”

Dad laughed. “That’s right. I’m the dick in this marriage.”

“What is so wrong about wanting time for myself?”

“Nothing if you’re single with zero responsibilities.”

“You said you wanted a child. I gave you one.”

“Is he even mine?”

A resounding echo told me she slapped him again. “How dare you?”

“How dare I, Margaret? You slept with my business partner.”

“And now you own the whole firm. I did you a favor.”

“And you want to divorce me and give you half of everything I worked for and built? No. I’ll see you in hell first.”

“Well, goodie for me. Being married to you and having that brat, I’m already there.”

My mother stormed out past me into the hall, leaving me standing there in shock.

The bell rang, and I realized I spent the entire class lost in my thoughts.

Pete punched my shoulder on his way past me. “Thanks, dick.”

“My pleasure.” I growled. “Hey, Dex! Gimme my money.”


Sometimes being smart sucked. Like being advanced in math and ending up in a class of eighth graders.

Henry, Ethan, Dexter, and Wally were the biggest jerks in school. And with them came their entourage, the bitch brigade. And Victoria Bryant was the biggest bitch of all.

Her and her friends loved to torment me and my friends.