Page 151 of Twisted Truths

“Her?” Confusion filled me. “A girl named Duke?”

“Ugh, yes. It was my ex-husband’s idea.” She snorted. “What can I help you find?”

“I am wanting a bright bouquet for my wife.” I rocked back on my heels as she walked towards the counter.

“Are you needing an ‘I’m sorry’ bouquet or?”

“Just something because I love her.” Laughter rumbled out. “I haven’t screwed up yet, but the day is young.”

She threw her head back in laughter. “Gotcha.” Her eyes searched my body, and she nodded. “Hmm, you look like a wildflower kinda guy.”

I watched her enter the cooler and select flowers. When she came back out, she went over to a large counter in the middle of the area and went to work with ribbons, papers and other greenery, putting it all together.

Holding it out at arm’s length, she inspected it and then brought it over to me. “How’s this?”

The mix of daisies, carnations, and other small flowers made me smile. “Perfect.”

She shared a smile and rang me up. “Keep me in mind if you need more flowers.”

“Absolutely.” I offered my hand. “I’m Henry.”

“Pleased to meet you, Henry. I’m Valerie.”

I handed her some bills and turned to leave.

“Don’t you want your change?”

“Nope.” I opened the door. “Thanks! See you later, Duke.”

The dog barked at my back and I got back into the truck, set the flowers on the passenger seat and drove over to the park.

The small parking area was empty, so I was hoping I beat her here. After parking the truck, I stuck the keys in my pocket and walked down the trail to the old treehouse.

With the weather being so nice, I thought there’d be more kids out exploring, but it was blissfully quiet as I made my way through the woods.

Walking towards the treehouse, I saw her bike leaning against the tree.

The thought of seeing her overwhelmed me and I ran over, climbing up the ladder in a hurry.

“There you are.” Miranda smiled at me. “I’ve been waiting.”

I held out the bouquet, and she crawled over. “For you. Don’t tell your husband.”

“I don’t know about keeping secrets.” She narrowed her eyes and set the flower aside. “They’re beautiful.”

“Not half as beautiful as you.” I moved closer and kissed her.

She broke the kiss with a giggle. “Sap.”

We moved around, and I maneuvered us to get her on her back, covering her body with mine. “We’re kid free.”

She gave a small shrug. “Not completely.”

“The boys are with their grandpa.” I pressed a kiss to her cheek. “And there’s no kids on the trails.”

“Hm.” She giggled. “There is that.”

I slipped my hand under her shirt. “You’re so soft.”