Page 147 of Twisted Truths

“Hey, Becca.” I smiled and flashed my ring for her to see.

She let out a squeal of joy. “I am so happy for you two.” Motioning with her head, she led us to a table that had more privacy than being in the middle of the room. “Your server will be with you shortly.”

Henry looked around the dining room before taking a seat, which piqued my interest. “Honey?”

“Mother said she was bringing the boys here for dinner.”

“Gotcha. Are they out there?”

“Not yet.” He slid into his side of the booth. “Ethan, Vivi and Frankie are. My dad is with his friends. And uh, Big E is here with Tom.”

“Oh.” I bit my bottom lip. “They’re a cute couple.”

“They are.” He nodded as the server showed up with waters and menus.

“Welcome to the Sailing Fusion.” He gave us a smile. “I’m Shane, and I’ll be serving you tonight.”

“Thank you, Shane.” Henry smiled. “Could we get two Sicilian Splashes?”

“Absolutely.” He gave a nod and went to get our drinks.

“If you want something harder to drink ….” I trailed off, watching Henry shake his head.

“If we were at home, then having some wine, champagne, or beer would be one thing.” He reached for my hand. “I know how you feel about people drinking and driving, even if it is only one drink.”

“Thank you.” I played with his ring.

Shane brought our fruity sparkling water drinks back, and we sipped them while making plans to move furniture around and combine households.

I slipped my shoe off and played with Henry’s leg under the table, moving it up to tease him and then back down.

His dark eyes grew darker, and I threw my head back in laughter.

Henry sat forward and motioned for me to come closer. “Keep it up and I’ll take you back into the cleaning closet.”

My mouth dropped open, and I shook my head. “Dirty boy.”

“I got something to fill that mouth.”

“Come back!” A shrill woman’s voice broke the mood and almost every person in the restaurant turned to look.

“Brudder!” Charlie’s voice cut through my confusion and I slid from the table in time to see him running down a hall.

I looked back to where he started and saw Margaret standing there with her face pinched tighter than a virgin’s asshole.

“Fuck.” I growled and took off towards where the boys ran.

I caught the back of Charlie’s head as he dashed into the men’s locker room. “Charlie!”

His little legs kept going, and I followed him through the winding corridor into the main room.

“If it’s out, cover it up if you don’t want me to see.” I called as I followed the sounds of my son sobbing.

Dillon had his back to the wall in the shower room, sitting in the water with his knees up and his head buried. Charlie joined him and wrapped an arm around him.

“Boys.” I walked closer and crouched down. “What is going on?”

“Hers mean, mama.” Charlie’s face was set in anger. “Hers made Dweelion cry.”