Page 107 of Twisted Truths

“Henry?” She stopped and stared at me in my pajama bottoms, stirring my coffee. “This is how you greet guests?”

“Mother, it is six in the morning. I hadn’t planned on any guests.”

She huffed and took a seat at the table. “You never return my calls.”

“You never leave me a message.” I shrugged and opened the cabinet with coffee cups. “Would you like a cup?”

“I suppose, but if it’s that strong stuff, please cut it with some water.”

My eyes rolled back in my head as I poured her a third of a cup and filled the rest with water. I took both cups to the table and sat across from her.

“What brings you here?”

“Your aunt and I are going on a cruise for Thanksgiving.”


“Well, I just thought you should know.”

I took a drink of my coffee, shook my head, and shrugged. “What am I supposed to say to that?”

“That you hope we have a lovely trip.” She huffed again. “Henry, you are so cold. Where did you ever learn to be like that?”

My father walked in and helped himself to a cup of coffee. He glanced over at her, then looked back at me. “You look like a bag of smashed assholes.”

“Really, Thomas. Is that crude comparison supposed to be funny?”

“Morning, Dad! Hi Gramma! Hi Grampa!” Dillon took a seat at the table. “Can I has pancakes for breakfast wif Charlie?”

“Who’s Charlie?” My mother took a sip of her coffee and my phone rang with a video call.


“Good morning, Henry.” Miranda looked as run down as I was. “Charlie would like…”

“Mooooooooom, cans I asks?” My son’s voice made me smile.

She cleared her throat and handed him the phone. “Hi!”

“Good morning, Charlie.”

“Charlie!” Dillon climbed into my lap. “My daddy says yous can be my brudder!”

“I can!” The excitement in the boy’s voices made the sleepless night go away. “Mom! Can I has a brudder?”

“Absolutely.” Miranda’s voice sounded weird. “Charlie, Dillon is your brother. And Henry is your dad.”

“Dweelion! We cans share a dad too!”

“Wear your rope today and I’ll wears mine!” Dillon patted his chest. “Wanna have pancakes for breffst?”

“My mommy makes gooder pany-cakes.” Charlie nodded, sending hiis curls bouncing wildly around. “Mommy? You makes us..”

“I’ll make pancakes. You boys need to get ready though.”

“Bye brudder!” They both shouted and ran off.

When Miranda came back on screen her eyes were swollen and glazed with unshed tears. “So I’m making breakfast. We.” She pressed her lips together. “We’ll see you soon.” And she ended the call.