Page 69 of Twisted Truths

“Well, you would be too if you had your tonsils out.”

“I don’t think anyone can be as grumpy as Edie.” She dramatically rolled her eyes. “Charlie misses you.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Gene get a clean glass of water. He gave me a smile and went to deliver the drinks, and it was my turn to dramatically roll my eyes.

“Hey, uh, Big E?”

“S’up?” He nodded my way.

“Did you call in reinforcements?” I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Wha? Me?” He shook his head. “Nope.”

Mr. Malone came through the swing door and shook his head at Evie. “I swear if you woulda been first, you’d be the last. Did you eat the last of the ice cream?”

“Why does everyone blame me?” She threw her hands up.

I leaned down and whispered to her. “You have ice cream drippings on your shirt.”

“Oooooh.” She puckered her lips. “I’ll take Edie some more.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Malone closed his eyes and counted to ten before walking over to the men.

Big E tapped the bell, and I went to get the plates. “No spitting.” He pointed the spatula at me with a smile.

“Got it.” I took one plate down, uncapped the pepper, and poured it on the burger. Just because Henry was still handsome and still made my pulse race, didn’t mean I forgave him for how he acted. I picked out the saddest tomato slice and lettuce I could find. I topped it with a handful of onions and smiled. “Perfect.”

I reached for the other plates and chose only the best toppings, then walked them over to my customers.

Mr. Malone played with Dillon while he talked with them. “This little guy is happy like you were, Henry.”

Mr. Walsh beamed. “He’s such a good baby, the same way Henry was.”

“He doesn’t look much like you, though.” Mr. Malone turned his eyes to me.

Yeah. Yeah. I know. Charlie looks just like Henry.

I set a plate down in front of each man and stepped back, looking only at Henry’s dad. “Can I get you anything else?”

“Ketchup, if you wouldn’t mind.” Henry’s dad turned his smile to me.

“Of course.” I turned on my heel to get the condiment and heard Edie’s dad talk about me.

“That’s a decent girl. No matter what life threw her way, she’s landed on her feet with a good heart.” Irv’s deep voice warmed through my body. “But I’m gonna guess you pissed her off.”

“Um, yeah,” Henry responded softly.

“How does Margaret like being a grandma?” Mr. Malone changed the subject, and I was eternally grateful.

Henry snorted, laughing. “The same way she liked being a mom.”

“I can’t wait to be a grandpa.” Evan beamed, looking over at me like he knew my secret.

Okay, maybe notmysecret, but maybe Vivi’s.

I went back and got a small basket of fries that were cool enough for Dillon and refilled his juice. Catching more of their conversation.

“Next is divorce.” Thomas beamed. “For both of us.”