Page 146 of Twisted Truths


I’m married.

Placing our hands together, I was able to see the wedding set. “We’re married.”

Henry reached over and picked up the papers. “We are.”

I felt giddy. “Now what?”

“We file this and go to dinner.” Henry pulled me close for another kiss. “Mrs. Walsh.”

Holy fuck! I married Henry!

“Mr. Walsh.” My voice dropped low.

“Fuck me.” He groaned. “If it wouldn’t get us tossed in jail, and front page on the paper, I’d bend you over.” Henry motioned to the counsel table. “Right here.”

“Yeah.” I giggled. “We probably don’t want to start our marriage out in jail.”

We went back to Annette to file our papers, and Henry tilted his head. “We should probably look into getting me on Charlie’s birth certificate.”

“Not necessary.” I gave an aloof shrug.

“He’s my son.” Hurt laced his voice.

Turning to face him, I cupped his cheek. “Baby. You already are.”

Confusion flashed in his eyes. “I … am?”

“You are.” I brushed my thumb along his cheek. “I never hid him from anyone.”

“I can’t believe I never asked you this.” He shook his head. “What’s his full name?”

“Charles Henry Walsh.”

“Junior.” He whispered as I nodded. “He really is my mini me.”

“Very much so.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Walsh.” Annette chirped and turned a paper towards me. “Sign it how you want it.”

Joy filled me as I signed Miranda Rose Walsh.

“Mazel tov.” The woman’s unenthusiastic voice made me laugh.

Henry offered his arm. “Are you ready for dinner?”

“I am.” Linking my arm with his, we made our way back to the elevator and down to the main floor.

“I can’t wait to tell the boys.” He chuckled. “They’re going to be so excited to be together all the time with the dogs.”

“They really are.” I sighed. “And your backyard is better equipped.”

“Our.” He backed me against the wall for a quick kiss. “Let’s go.” He nodded towards the open doors and we went back to the car.

The drive to the club went by quickly and Henry pulled up to have valet park the car. Walking into the club felt different this time, and I couldn’t tell if it was because we were married or I felt unstoppable.

After checking my coat, we walked over to the hostess stand of the Sailing Fusion, where an old friend from school met us. “Hello, Miranda and Henry.”