Page 126 of You Are Not Me

“Well, whatwouldyou do? I’d really like to know.”

Bobby’s tired eyes held mine. “When I was your age, I was a lot like you. I always loved the drama, drawn to it like a bee to honey—whether I was looking for it or not. So I’d probably have stuck with the boy who made me the most miserable, mistaking those intense feelings for love.” He shrugged.

“You think I should stay with Adam?” The thought made my stomach churn.

“Hell no. I’m just telling you that making the right choice can feel like a cop-out, especially when you’ve spent a lot of time justifying making a bad one. But don’t end up like me, kid. Dying alone with nothing but bad choices in your wake.” He smiled. “Make a good choice.”

I blinked up at his ceiling in the ensuing silence. Finally, I sighed. “Has Marlena told John and Roman the truth yet?”

“Nope. Soon, I hope.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

Chapter Eighteen

Oglethorpedidhavereally nice shade trees.

I pulled into the visitor parking lot, grabbed my Minolta, and stepped out into the moist heat. Gaping at the gothic buildings constructed of blue Georgia granite, I snapped a few test shots to calm myself.

I was here. I’d made it.

The traffic had been so insane on Friday afternoon, I’d considered turning around and heading back home. Even before I’d left Knoxville, I’d wondered if spending the weekend in Atlanta with Adam was the right choice. I still wasn’t sure, but I’d promised, and I didn’t want to know how he’d react if I backed out. I suspected he’d beg and plead. I figured I’d give in. So I skipped the middle and went straight to the end.

And now I was here admiring flowerbeds and wide lawns, a beautiful campus surrounding me. I snapped another picture of students milling around outside what looked like a chapel. Then I gasped as I was grabbed from behind in a bear hug.

“Eater!” Adam growled by my ear, squeezing me. “You’re here!”

His stubble scraped against my ear, and I shivered, my traitorous dick perking up.

“I’m here,” I said, thinking he had no idea how close I’d come to breaking up with him over the phone instead of giving our relationship one last shot this weekend. “Miss me?”

“Hey, Peter!” Leslie appeared at my side, catching me around the middle and squeezing me too. Her blond hair glittered in the sun, and she grinned up at me, sweet and happy. “Long time, no see, stranger!”

A bucket of guilt poured over me like ice water. I bent down to kiss her cheek, stomach knotting up. “Hey, Les.”

She squeezed me tightly again, then darted out in front of us, waving toward a more modern building than the chapel. “Isn’t it awesome? We’re so glad you’re here! It’s going to be a great weekend!”

I smiled weakly. Anything had to be an improvement over last weekend.

She bubbled on, “You’re going to love Adam’s dorm room. He’s put all of these amazing astronomy pictures up. And he’s got a whole bunch of photos you gave him last year. And the room is huge.Huge.”

Adam tugged me into a walking hug, like the one he’d given Sarah the first day we met. “Huge,” he whispered in my ear, heavy with innuendo.

I wrenched away from him, and he laughed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“He has it all to himself! Lucky bastard.”

Adam groaned. “I don’t want to hear it again, Les.”

She shot him a wicked grin. “Hedoesn’t have to deal with a roommate screwing her boyfriend constantly.”

I chewed my lip. “Isn’t Sarah your roommate?”

Leslie bobbed her head, walking faster. “She is! And she’s fucking Mike, like, twenty-four seven.”

Adam shook his head hard. “Ugh, I donotneed to hear about this.”