Page 105 of You Are Not Me

My stomach crept up my throat, the road rushing beneath my wheels. “What do you mean?”

Minty’s voice cut in from the backseat, cold as a knife. “He means you don’t deserve Daniel.”

Antonio shrugged. “Minty’s harsh, but, well… You did toss him over for what? For a guy who lies and cheats? Daniel deserves someone who’d choose him first. He’s smart enough to know that.”

“Unlike some people,” Windy said tightly. Daniel was their friend first, and I’d done nothing but break his heart.

No one came to my defense. Not even me.

Part VI

August, 1991

Chapter Fifteen

Rome, July 31, 1991

Dear Peter:

Leslie talked to my mom the other day and convinced her to let me move into the dorms a week early for the freshman orientation thing. I didn’t even know about it. So, I have to drive up to Knoxville to get my stuff the weekend before orientation. Maybe we could hang out? I promise to bring you something you’ll like as a belated birthday gift. I’ll call you with the details.

To the Sunsphere and beyond!


Two weeks afterNashville, I sat beside Robert at the editing desk tucked into the back of the walk-in closet in his office, turning the stilted postcard over in my hands. It was full of old information we’d covered in a phone call. Still, the way he phrased things…

Maybe we could hang out?

Robert smelled of peppermint toothpaste and coffee, and he wore a loose, vivid orange running tank and a matching pair of jogging shorts. He was as bright as a traffic cone even in the dark of the closet.

“Whatcha got there?” His tone was soft. “That from Naughty Boy?”

Though I’d been to work nearly every day since we left the Cozy Inn, we hadn’t talked about what happened between Daniel and me. I figured it was because Robert thought I’d made the wrong choice, like everyone else.

“Yeah. He’s coming home this Friday.” Just saying the words out loud pulsed anxiety up my spine. I passed the postcard to Robert.

Robert’s long, dark lashes fell against his cheek as he read the card, and his bright pink fingernails—short for a drag queen—tapped at the edges.

“I see,” he said, noncommittally.

“We talked on the phone a few nights ago to make plans. But I just got the card today. Postal delay,” I babbled.

I’d felt so lonely the last two weeks, avoiding Tilt-a-Whirl, talking to no one about Daniel and all of my confusing feelings. I’d shot roll after roll of film, walked miles of nature paths, and hiked in the mountains, trying to categorize and understand my own emotions. It hadn’t worked. I was still torn up inside. I wanted someone to help me, but I didn’t want to know what anyone else thought, either. I’d made a mistake in Nashville. Now I was paying for it.

“Yeah, so, it turns out he can only stay one night with me before he has to head back to Atlanta,” I said, words falling out of my mouth. “Originally, I thought we’d have two.”

Robert’s response was chilly. “So the usual bait and switch then?”

I shrugged, my throat growing tight. I wanted to defend Adam, but he was too far gone in Robert’s eyes to ever be redeemed. Adam was a topic best left undiscussed, especially now. I shouldn’t have brought the postcard to work. I shouldn’t have opened my dumb mouth.

Robert handed the card back to me and focused again on our work. Shoving the thick card into my back pocket, I pushed my hurt feelings aside.

Robert scribbled editing notes on the pad resting on the desk between us while I plucked a loose string at the end of my cut-off Kingsley uniform shorts. I wore the Rick Springfield T-shirt I’d picked up with Minty and Windy at Repeat After Me.

That day seemed like forever ago now. Especially when, as far as I could tell, they weren’t talking to me anymore. That stung, even if I understood their reasons. What I’d done to Daniel in Nashville required picking sides. Of course they’d chosen his. He was their friend, and I was the dickhead. Even I knew that.