Page 65 of You Are Not Me

“Of course it is,” Minty said knowingly, a cheeky smile on his lips. He gave a meaningful glance toward Daniel. “I bet there’s a certain naked gun you’d like to suck off.”

“Minty…” Daniel warned.

My cheeks burned, but I wasn’t going to let Minty get the best of me. “True. I’m a big fan of dick.”

Minty wound his arm through mine. “Another thing we have in common then.”

Daniel took my other arm. “Just call us the Three Dickmigos.”

“Aw, look at Daniel trying to be funny,” Minty said, squeezing me tighter against him. “And failing. So cute.”

I laughed, and Daniel winked at me. My heart trip-skipped as he slid his grip down to take hold of my hand, squeezing briefly before letting go.

“Three Amigoswas better than that trash we watched today,” Daniel said.

“Just because you want to screw Steve Martin,” Minty said.

Daniel gasped in mock denial. “You swore you’d never tell.”

We reached the corner by Chalky ’N’ Joe’s. A group of Tilt-a-Whirl patrons, guys dressed to get laid, bustled by us. On their arms were their best girls, also dressed up. But given that their dates were gay, the girls unlikely to get any attention except advances from the few lesbians who came to the club.

“I’ll never understand you and your weird attractions,” Minty said to Daniel, squeezing my arm again as we lined up outside the club door. “Except this one. This one’s cute.”

I glanced at Daniel, my entire body revving up. Was Minty saying what I thought he was saying?

Daniel dug into his wallet, not looking at me, and pulled out five dollars as I did the same. “And I’ll never understand how you fall in love every ten seconds with complete strangers.”

“He wasn’t a stranger. He was my soulmate.”

“You don’t even know his name.”

“His employee tag said Steve, and he looked me right in the eye when he took my ticket,” Minty said dreamily. “The way he ripped it in half? So powerful and masculine? He wanted me.”

“He was trying to ignore your skirt by staring at your face. He was striving for professional and polite.”

“His hands were shaking with lust!”


Minty marched in front of us, holding his head up regally, ignoring Daniel as he pulled bills out of the front pocket of his skirt.

Daniel slung his arm around my shoulder. I shivered when he leaned close and whispered in my ear, “You look nice tonight.”

I swallowed and looked down at myself. I was just wearing jeans and a red, short-sleeved Henley my mom had bought at Proffitt’s department store. I’d been in such a hurry to get away from the day I’d spent with Leslie that I hadn’t worn anything special. “Thanks. You too.”

It was still early, and instead of the usual wall of smoke, we were greeted with only a fine haze. The DJ didn’t start for a few hours, but the bartender was playing some sort of dance music. Minty instantly disappeared into the darker regions of the club, and Daniel let him go.

I spotted Windy and Antonio hovering by the downstairs bar, drinking and chatting. Antonio wore his usual black T-shirt and jeans, while Windy’s pink sleeveless button-down showed off his lithe arms. I waved, and they motioned for us to join them.

As we started their way, Daniel said, “I hate this song.”

I laughed. “Not a Deee-Lite fan?”

“Do you like it?”

“It’s fun to dance to.”

Daniel’s eyes fell to my mouth, and then he smiled softly. “Wanna dance now?”