Page 45 of You Are Not Me

A small huff of his breath hit my ear before his words. “Yeah. I’m still here.”

“Let me explain.”

“That might be a good idea.”

I chewed my lip for a long moment. “Robert wanted me to come see Renée perform—”

“Robert,” Adam spat, as if his name alone explained everything.

“Listen, it wasn’t his fault. It was mine. I’m the one that flirted with Jeremy, and I’m the one who accepted his offers for drinks—”

“Jeremy who?”

“A guy who was there. Just a guy. No one special.”

“Huh.” He infused the syllable with rage.

I tried to remember what I’d planned to say, but I shouldn’t have bothered trying to plan at all. My words tumbled out, clumsy and awkward as ever.

“Um, and I didn’t realize what he was giving me.” I cleared my throat. “I didn’t know it was GHB. I thought it was some weird flavoring or something. Something that would make the drink taste good.”

“What are you saying?”

“I don’t know! It was weird, because once I took the GHB it was like I was a different person. I was horny and everyone seemed so beautiful.” I trailed off, shivering in the cold kitchen, wrapping one arm around myself, and rocking on the stool.

“GHB? Damn, Peter, you trip out on marijuana.”

“Well, I didn’tmeanto do it.”

“What thefuck?”

“I didn’t know it was drugs,” I pleaded. “Jeremy said I’d like it, and he put it in my drink. I didn’t know, okay? So when the feelings started, when I was so horny, I just went with it.”

“You went with what?”

“I let them suck me off.”


I jumped at the intensity of his fury.

“And where the fuck was Renée during all of this? Prancing around in heels and spanking people? You could have died!” His voice rang in my ear. “How could you trust a stranger like that?”


“What if he’d raped you?” Adam’s breath was ragged. “Or what if he coerced you back to his frat house to be raped by all of his buddies?”

“I don’t think Jeremy belongs to a frat house—”

“Peter! That’s not the point. What thefuckwere you thinking?”

I hissed, “I was thinking it felt good to be wanted, that’s what I was thinking.”

The last thing I wanted was another lecture on my safety, like I couldn’t take care of myself. Never mind that Ihadn’ttaken care of myself.

“Well, that’s a piss-poor reason to do what you did, and that’s the kind of thing that can get you killed.”

“Who are you to talk?” His anger set my barely repressed rage alight. “I know what you’ve done. I’ve heard all about the shit you did before you met me.”