Page 134 of You Are Not Me

But there were lots of lesbians too. Dykes and femmes everywhere.

Gay men were the overwhelming majority, though: leather daddies and chickens, older men, and kids that looked like they were still in high school. There was so much more variety than I normally saw in Knoxville. It was jaw-dropping.

The place had more of a party feeling than the dark, sexual, animalistic vibe of Tilt-a-Whirl. I didn’t know which I preferred. It seemed lighter, more joyful, but less exclusive and less urgent. Well, except for the obviously insistent happenings I could just barely make out in the dark corners.

“Isn’t this so cool?” Leslie asked, screaming in my ear to be heard over the music. “You’d never see anything like this in Knoxville, Peter.”

I smiled stiffly, already regretting that I’d let Mike talk me into coming.

Adam stared at the dance floor with a dark expression. He glared over at me now and again, too, but otherwise ignored me completely, letting Leslie, Sarah, and Mike take the lead in conversation.

I couldn’t help but watch him.

It was hard to believe that he was the same guy who’d finagled a way for us to get into Tilt-a-Whirl a year ago.ThatAdam had been so suave, so charming, so at home in his skin.ThisAdam looked for all the world like an uptight straight guy who’d been dragged against his will by his girlfriend to a gay club.

My stomach tightened again. I hadn’t eaten since I’d picked up some chips on the road during the drive down, but I wasn’t hungry.

Adam met my gaze angrily, and I lowered my eyes to the table, staring at the rings left on the wood from beer mugs and mixed drinks. I kept my gaze there even when a cocktail waitress approached, delivering our sodas.

Sarah dragged Mike to the dance floor, and Leslie yelled, “Come on, Adam! Let’s dance!”

“I don’t want to leave Peter here alone.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can handle myself.” I gave Leslie a brittle smile. “Go dance. Have fun.”

Adam tried to catch my gaze, but I purposely turned away from them both. There was plenty to see. I sipped my club soda and let out a long, slow breath. I was in Atlanta at a gay club. I was going to have some fun. And we’d see just what Adam had to say about that.

I didn’t have to look long.

A slightly older guy, maybe twenty-three or so, danced with his eyes glued to me. He wasn’t my type: redheaded and blue-eyed with a lithe body that’d make a lot of guys drool. I preferred guys that were a little more built than me, but for my purposes this guy would do.

I licked my lips, and his eyes dropped to my mouth. I took a sip from my drink and held the moment, feeling the fury from earlier crystallize into pure determination. I smiled triumphantly as he moved toward me with intent.

I glanced around to see who was watching. Sarah and Mike were absorbed in one another, grinding and kissing like they were utterly alone. Adam and Leslie were dancing closely too, but every few seconds, he’d break his focus to glance my way.


Our eyes met, and I saw the flash of impotent rage in his expression when he caught sight of my admirer.

“Want to dance?” the redhead asked.

In answer, I took hold of his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Satisfaction exploded when I glimpsed Adam’s darkening expression as I moved into the guy’s space, letting him grab my hips and pull me close. I didn’t give a fuck.

Let him be angry.

Leslie would see me with this guy, and she’d know. My sexuality would no longer be in question. That, at least, would be over, and Adam could deal with whatever fallout came of that revelation on his own. Because I’d be gone.

A few other guys crowded in, trying to get a piece of my partner and me. Normally, I rebuffed that kind of attention, but tonight I gloried in it. I ground against their thighs or hips, let their hands slip under my shirt or down to squeeze my ass.

I didn’t spare another glance for Adam. Let him think I didn’t care what he thought.

Surprise, asshole! Tonight’s my coming-out party, and your opinion doesn’t matter.

Let him stay closeted and fuck his girlfriend without a condom. I’d be out here dancing with other guys, getting off with them if I wanted, and he couldn’t say aword. I’d give him a taste of what I’d felt over the last year. Forced to watch, forced to be silent.

As I moved against another new, anonymous friend as if I wanted to take him home and fuck him, a rough hand closed around my wrist and jerked me away. I stumbled and almost fell, shouting as hot pain pierced my arm.

With one hard, painful yank, Adam had pulled me off the dance floor. I cried out as the pain grew, but he kept on dragging me as I tried to jerk free.