Page 123 of You Are Not Me

“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy to do it.”

“Thank you, Peter.” Daniel’s relief was palpable, and I felt good that I’d been able to give him that in the midst of his mess.

“It’s no problem.”

“And hey, listen.” Daniel sounded embarrassed. “I heard from a very fucked-up Antonio late last night, and if any part of what he said about Minty trying to fight youwasn’ta figment of his drugged imagination, I’m sorry.”

“Minty says you’re the best guy in the world, and he’s right. And it’s true that I’m definitelynotthe best guy in the world. Not by a long shot.”

“Well, there’s something sexy, isn’t there, about a guy with room for improvement?” Daniel’s voice went gruff. “You can relate to that. As for Minty’s opinion of me, I’m as flawed as anyone else. He’s just biased.” A noise like an alarm clock going off filtered over the phone. “Gotta go. The casserole’s done.”



I looked over at my mother, who was still chewing and observing with great interest. I turned my back to her and whispered into the phone, “I really care about you. I want you to know that.”

“I know. It’s just bad timing. All of it. Take care of yourself, okay? And thanks for taking care of Bobby for me.”

I reluctantly stood and hung up, wishing I’d been alone and that he’d had more time. There was a lot I wanted to say. Still, a small smile spread over my lips, and my spirits lifted. It was progress at least.

Mom rested her chin in her hand. “So,thatwas an interesting conversation.”

I made a noncommittal sound, opening the fridge and closing it again.

“Who’s Daniel?”

“A friend.” I tried the cabinets and found a package of Moon Pies.

“Come on, it’s a little late to try for adolescent vagueness now. Tell me.”

I ripped open the box. “Fine. He’s someone I’ve been hanging out with this summer.”


I glared at her, pouring milk to go with my snack. “I’ve mentioned him a hundred times. He’s no one new. Maybe if you paid more attention…”

“Mmm-hmm. Ihavebeen paying attention, andsomething’sdefinitely new, because you ran down those stairs like you’d won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes and Ed McMahon was on the phone.”

I rolled my eyes. “Daniel and I argued. I was hoping he wanted to make up.”

“Did he?”

“Sort of.”

I hadn’t talked to my parents about ARK or going to see Bobby because AIDS was something they were both understandably uptight about when it came to me. I knew I’d have to tell them about it though, if I was going to take over Bobby’s care. But I wasn’t going to do it now. Maybe later over dinner, so she and Dad could both freak out and ask all their questions at once.

She was also completely clueless that Adam was already back in the States. And she obviously had no idea he’d spent Friday night screwing me on every available surface in the house. As far as she knew, I’d be seeing him for the first time when I went down to Atlanta next weekend.

I took a few bites of the Moon Pie and washed it down with milk. I tried to get Adam and Daniel to squeeze into different boxes in my mind. It was hard to think when they were both floating around in there at the same time.

She popped a bite of cheese into her mouth. “What did you fight about?”

“Mom,” I said sternly.

“Uh-huh. So it’s private?”
