Page 122 of You Are Not Me

Mom grabbed string cheese and orange juice from the fridge and plopped herself down at the counter. She cocked her head, obviously listening.

Daniel sighed. “I don’t know how much you know about my situation with my mom and stuff, but…”

“It’s okay. Minty and Windy filled me in. I get it.”

“I thought so. Especially after your call last night. Kennedy said you offered to help.”

“Absolutely. Whatever you need. I’m good with kids.”

Mom laughed softly, and I shot her a glare. “I mean, I’ve never actually taken care of any kids but I probably don’t suck at it. Because, you know,Iwas a kid, so I know what that’s like, and—”

“Thanks,” Daniel interrupted. “But that’s not what I need right now. I think I’ve got that under control.”

“Okay. Um, that’s great.”

“Yeah.” Daniel cleared his throat nervously. “My mom’s agreed to go back to rehab.”

“That’s awesome. Right?”

“Maybe. We’ll see. It’s not the first time she’s gone in. It’s more like the fifth.”

I swallowed and squeezed my eyes shut. I could still feel my mother’s gaze on me. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Daniel sounded drained. “Remember how I told you Paul and Kennedy were so much younger because my parents were pacing themselves?”


“That wasn’t the truth. Not the entire truth anyway.”

I sank to the floor and bowed my head, listening.

“They’re ‘rehab babies.’ Mom went into rehab and came out all shiny-fresh and sober. They thought it was a great time for a new beginning. Nine months later Paul was born. The next time it was Kennedy.”


“Yeah. So that was twice she went in, and then she went again after Dad died, and for a fourth time in the fall of last year.”


“Best word for it.”

“Please let me help you.”

“Well, if she really goes through with rehab again, and even if she doesn’t, I’ll have to stay here for a while to take care of the kids. I guess it’s a blessing in disguise that it happened at the tail end of summer. At least I can take a student sabbatical instead of having to drop out mid-semester like last time.”

“Just tell me what I can do.”

“If you’re serious, I could use some help with my schedule for ARK. Getting all the way from Kingston over to Bobby’s off Alcoa is a long drive, and I can’t take the kids with me. They’re germ vectors. With his immune system, it’d be a huge risk.” His voice softened. “Peter, I know you never really signed on to be a volunteer, but he likes you, and he trusts you. I know you’d take good care of him. So—”

“I’ll do it. I’ll head over there tomorrow and get signed up. No problem. What days do you need me? All of them? I can do all of them.”

Daniel was silent. I opened my eyes again. My mother watched me avidly as she pulled strings of cheese loose. She wore the exact same expression when watching Hallmark Hall of Fame movies.

“Kerri offered to take a few of my days, which just leaves Wednesday and Thursday.”

“I can do that.”

“If you’re sure, I’d be really grateful. But it’s only for a while. Just until my mom’s back from rehab, or I find some other solution.”