Chapter 8


I grind my teeth so hard my jaw aches. My nerves jangle as she silently cries in her sleep, but the urge to mount her grows as fresh slick seeps onto my cock, over my hips, and into our nest.

Her estrous is only beginning, but I can’t stand her emotional turmoil for another second longer. It infects my chest as though it belongs to me.

Which makes sense, because the tiny sprite lying on top of me is mine.Allmine.

I didn’t realize how intense the mating bond would be, but now that we’re connected on a soul level, I can’t deny how smitten I am with her. The urge to conquer and claim mingles with the need to pamper and soothe.

Her pain is my pain.

I grunt in frustration, slip out from under my female, and slide free of the nest. With every step I take away from my omega, my limbs grow heavier and my apprehension builds. I yank my pants over my hips and shove my pulsing cock against my leg with a grimace.

After donning my socks and boots, I open the hatch and step into the hallway.

Less than three minutes later, I stride back into our den and scoop my omega—nest and all—into my arms. She startles and blinks sleepy eyes up at me.

I stalk into the washroom and set her on the bench before stripping her out of the nest. Her nipples pebble and slick puddles underneath her as her body suffers another wave of need. I tuck her matted hair behind her ear before pulling a large black shirt over her head. Her brows scrunch in confusion as I thread her arms into the sleeves.

The fabric hangs loose around her. I smirk as my t-shirt dwarfs her from her shoulders to halfway down her thighs.

She glances up at me in concern when I fit a pair of pants onto her legs. I ignore her questioning stare as I slip two pairs of thick socks onto her feet before pulling her to stand and fitting the pants over her hips.

I wrap her in the nest again and carry her into the hall.

When I step into the nearest room, her eyes widen in confusion. I tighten my arms around her and steal a rough kiss before spinning in a slow circle.

Modified portholes allow the fresh sea breeze to waft through the space. With bunks on one wall, a washroom of its own, a mini kitchen, and a seating area filled with books and games, five people could live in a luxury not found anywhere else on my cruiser.

“What is this?” she asks.

The awe in her voice fills me with pride.

Without a word, I turn back into the hall and stomp down the stairs. She stiffens when my crew surrounds us, but I release a quiet growl and they increase the distance between us.

I carry my omega through the maze of metal to the broken trash compactor. Compared to the scents of our den, the stench within the room seems otherworldly.

My sprite will never have to live in such squalor again.

I set her on her feet beside the grate and extract her from our ruined nest. When I bundle the material in one arm and tilt her chin up to mine with a finger, tears shimmer in her eyes.

“Bring them home, Em.”

Her eyes widen. She grips her chest and sobs.

“I th-thought—”

Her slight frame collides with mine and she wraps slim arms around me. I smooth my palm up and down her back as she cries against my side. When she calms enough to talk, she tilts her head back and meets my gaze.

“You trust me? What if I don’t come back?”

I smile at her question and give an assuring tug on our bond.

“You’ll come back. You’re mine,” I say as I shift my hand to her nape. She swallows as I bend down and hover my lips mere millimeters from hers. “And I’m yours. All yours, Em.”

She closes the distance between our lips. The soft glide of her tongue against mine short-circuits my brain. My cock hardens and threatens to rip the seams of my trousers.