March continued with the plans and asked if the blueprints looked good. I told him I liked it all.

“I might have another project for you after this,” I shared, and his brow rose.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to need a nursery built already? Between your brother and mine"—a look of disgust covered his face—“Odyssey is going to have a goddamn baby boom.”

“No.” I chuckled. “Not yet at least.” I shrugged. “You don’t want kids?”

“No,” he quickly answered, and that surprised me. I had seen the way he was with his niece. He loved the little girl to death. “And if you tell me just wait and see, I swear I’ll deck you.” That made me chuckle.

“Well…” I scratched the back of my neck. “You never know. Best thing is to never say never.”

“Funny. But no. No kids. Ever.”

“Famous last words,” I muttered. “How does your future bride feel about that?” I asked, trying to skate back to the conversation, but I knew better than to keep pressing from the look March shot me.

“Anyhow.” I cleared my throat. “I’m going to need a field cleared out. Flattened. Then, if you know of someone, maybe some planters built.”


“Emi wants to start a community garden. And I wanna give it to her as a wedding gift.” His eyes softened, and he nodded. He knew Emi and the way she had fallen in love with our small town. She wanted to make a difference in our community, and I was going to help her do it.

“You got a good one.” He sighed.

“You never know. You might, too.” For his sake, I really hoped with whatever was going on, that he did.

March had been a player a long time ago. Much like Ryder was. But for whatever reason, something had changed about five years ago. Maybe it was seeing his brother August finally claim his girl, Sandy, or maybe it was his age and one-night stands growing old. From what I knew, March was all but celibate these days.

“Whatever,” he muttered and nodded. “Okay, if that all sounds good, shit will start Monday.”

“Good.” I nodded, and he waved goodbye.

I watched him reach his white truck and turn to look at me. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something and then shut it. It was obvious he had changed his mind about whatever he was going to ask me and waved again.

“Call me.” I pointed. “When you’re ready,” I added. He jerked his chin forward before getting into his truck, starting it, and driving away.

I hoped for his sake that he talked about whatever was going on before he did something like marry a stranger. My phone started to go off in my back pocket, and I smiled when I looked at who was calling.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey, cowboy. How did it go?”

“Everything set to roll Monday. Weather willing, we should be moving in by April.”

“Good. How does the fourteenth sound for a wedding anniversary?”

“I love it.” I grinned. “April fourteenth.”

“Yeah, April fourteenth.”

“Let’s do it.”

“We can go to the justice of the peace and have it just be the two of us with Maya and Ryder as our witnesses and then have a big party in one of the barns at the ranch. What do you think?”

“You sure you don’t want a big thing?”

“I’m sure. I just want to be your wife.” Fuck me, I was a lucky bastard.

“That all sounds good, baby girl. I’ll talk to my mom and Aunt Jan.”