His mom and brothers, along with his aunt and cousins and their significant others, had all welcomed me with open arms. It was amazing. It’d made me feel like I belonged even more than I did before.

“Hey, baby girl.” Clay sat down next to me, and I felt myself pale. Crap. Not only did I have to tell him we weren’t pregnant, but I’d made a mess of his sheets! Double crap. How embarrassing!

“Why don’t you take a warm shower, and I’ll take care of the bedding.” He stroked my hair out of my face while I blinked and stared at him.

“You know?” I croaked and quickly cleared my throat. But if he was grossed out by what happened, he didn’t show it. If anything, he seemed concerned about me. Clay was always full of surprises. He simply shrugged, and I shut my eyes. “This is so embarrassing,” I groaned.

“Hey, none of that.” He shifted, scooting me onto him without pulling the sheets off me, keeping me nice and cozy.

When he settled us the way he wanted, his back was against the wrought-iron headboard, pillows pushed behind him while I rested my head on his chest.

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” he murmured soothingly over the top of my head. “It’s part of life. Periods happen.”

Oh god!My sexy cowboy said periods happen. As sweet and understanding as he was, I wanted a big black hole to suck meup. But I was curious. The big guy had grown up with nothing but brothers and his mom. How was he so cool about this?

“I thought…” I couldn’t finish my sentence, and when I lifted my gaze and it connected with his beautiful blue eyes, I had to blink away the unshed tears and kept talking. “I know it’s silly. And crazy fast to want?—"

“A baby?” he guessed. “Not at all.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “When it’s meant to be, it will be. For now, you go take a shower, get cleaned up, and I’ll have the bed all done and made for you with breakfast waiting.”

“Breakfast in bed? You’re sweet, but you don’t have to do—” I started to argue, but I should have known better. Clay liked to take care of me.

“I do. I also took the day off and am volunteering as tribute to be your very own body pillow while we binge on movies and whatever salty-sweet munchies you’re in the mood for.”

“Wait, where are you going to get all that?”

“I have all that,” he shared, and my eyes widened. “You can cue up Vudu on the TV, and we can watch whatever movie or show you want. I already have the pantry stocked with your favorites.”

“You do?”

“I do., he confirmed, and my lip wobbled.

“You didn’t think we were…” I started to ask, but he was already shaking his head.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t or did. I just pay attention to the things you like and made sure I had them on hand in case you were ever in the mood when we are here. And if I don’t have what you want, I can order it and do a run into town to pick it up. How does that sound?”

“You sure you want to take a day off?”

“Babe?” His brow rose, and I relaxed.

“Thank you,” I spoke into his chest. “I’m sorry I made a mess. I’ll take care of—” My eyes bravely looked up, and once again, I stopped talking mid-sentence because of the way he was looking at me, and I sighed. “Fine.” My head rested back on his shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Always, baby girl. Always,” he promised easily, and somehow, I knew he meant it. And not just for the moment but forever.

And just like that, the embarrassment I’d felt since waking up started to fade away and nothing but peace filled me from the inside out.

Clay kissed the top of my head and ran his fingers through my hair. “Let me go get the water started, so it’s nice and warm when you get in there.”

“Thanks,” I whispered, and he kissed me. It was soft and sweet and so tender I whimpered when he pulled away. He walked out and into the bathroom, where I heard the water kick in.

Sure enough, my sexy cowboy daddy had most definitely been paying attention. Especially when he was at my place. I had no idea how I hadn’t noticed the night before, but he had a bottle of every one of my toiletries waiting for me in the shower and on the counter. And right next to the moisturizer I liked was a box of the tampons I used.

It was only a little over a month since we got together officially, but I knew without a doubt I was his and he was mine.

Falling in love and trusting someone took guts, and I thanked every star in the sky that the risk had been worth it.


Icouldn’t erase the grin on my face, and I sure as hell wasn’t even going to try. Not while I stared out at the land that would house the home Emi and I would be living in soon.