“It is,” she agreed softly.

“Tell me you get that whatever happens, you know I’m here, that I will take care of you. Of us,” I urged and felt her body relax into mine, her breasts pressing against my chest as I stroked her smooth back.

“I do,” she sighed.

“I love you, Emi.” Her eyes popped open, and she stared at me for a moment. I couldn’t read her, and I didn’t like that. My heartrate kicked up. Fuck, had I messed up by saying too much too fast?

“Clay,” she whispered my name, and I nodded, knowing I was going to double down.

“I do. It’s fast and crazy, but fuck me, I know how I feel,” I confessed, needing her to know where I was coming from. “I love you, December. I think I feel in love with you the moment I sawyou for the first time, but I’m not quick, especially after putting my boot in my mouth?—"


“I don’t expect you to feel this way yet, but—" Her hand covered my mouth, and due to the nerves I’d started to feel, I realized I hadn’t noticed the sparkle in her dark stare.

“Cowboy.” She giggled. “If you’d ever shut up and let me talk, you would find out that I love you, too.” I stared at her for a moment. Her words processed slowly in my mind. Part of me hoped I hadn’t had some kind of stroke and imagined what she’d just said. “Clay? Did you hear me?” She held my face with both hands. Fuck, I dreamt about this. Being with her, close, naked, and hearing her say those exact words.

But reality surpassed fantasy.

December Trevino was more than any dream I could have ever had. She was an unexpected beauty that had somehow made my old heart come alive.

“I love you, Clay.”

“Fuck, baby,” my voice cracked as our foreheads rested against each other. “I love you. I promise I will always do the best by you. You have me. All of me.”

“Ditto, cowboy. Ditto,” she whispered, filling my heart and soul with a warmth I’d never experienced in my life.

We kissed again.

This time, it was slower, sweeter.


The edge had been taken off, but before I knew it, we were both worked up again. Emi had me feeling and recovering like a twenty-year-old. We got lost in one another all over again, and I knew after tonight, there was no way I could ever step into the cabin’s bathroom and not think about her.

I also added another must-have to the main house we were going to live in one day.

Afterwards, when we both came and came back down from our highs and the water had started to cool, we stepped out and took a shower. There, my beautiful girl let me wash her body, let me take care of her like I vowed silently to do every day from there on out for the rest of our lives.

It didn’t matter that we knew the moment we went into the bedroom, we’d only get dirty all over again. And when we did, we were exhausted as we fell asleep tangled up in one another, her head on my chest. I felt a peace in my soul I’d work day and night to have for the rest of my life.


Iwoke up slowly and immediately stilled.

“Oh no,” I whispered to myself as I felt the wetness between my legs and the sharp ache at my abdomen. “Oh no! No, no, no.” I shut my eyes tight.This can’t be happening. Not here. Not now. Not at Clay’s!

I heard movement in the room and opened my eyes just in time to see Clay walk into his bedroom at the cabin. I’d spent the night at his with a little something waiting for me in my bag. Something I was going to pee on first thing today, to see if my suspicions were right, but even though I hadn’t sat up, I knew I didn’t need to. Not anymore.

I’d started my period.

My body was usually like clockwork, and when I realized I was late, I convinced myself I was pregnant. The idea was crazy. We’d been together for a little over a month. Getting knocked up would have be insane, yet the idea hadn’t freaked me out. It had excited me. Clay didn’t shy away from talking about the future and always letting me know exactly how he felt about me and our future.

We were in love.

It was nuts as it was amazing.

Just as fast as we had fallen in love, I’d met his family. Not that I didn’t know them before. Everyone had stopped at the diner at one point or another since I’d bought the place. But I’d met and got to know them as Clay’s girl. And when I said his family, I meant everyone. It had never sunk in just how many Wests there were in our small town.