Page 1 of Baby Makes 3

Chapter 1 – Jamie

I really didn’t need a bachelor party, but my brothers insisted. Jake and Liam just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Even my eldest brother, Shane, insisted we do this. After all, the bachelorette party is in full swing at our parents’ house, and Shane said I couldn’t sit home alone moping. Hey, I don’t mope. I’m glad Molly’s celebrating with the ladies and all the kids.

So, here we are, my brothers and I, our dad, and our close friends in a private party room at Tanks, a neighborhood bar in Lincoln Park.

Shane is seated to my left, Jake to my right. Liam is sitting directly across the table from me, next to our dad. My sisters’ husbands—Jonah and Dominic—are here, as are Sam and Cooper, Cameron Stewart, Troy Spencer, Mack Donovan, and Miguel Rodriguez. It’s a big group. A rowdy one, too.

Jake shoves a cold glass into my hand. “Drink up, pal,” he says as he thumps my back.

Undoubtedly, it’s beer. I take a sip.

When Shane stands, the rest of the guys quickly quiet down. “As Jamie’s big brother, I have a few words to say, as well as a bit of advice to offer him on the art of matrimony.”

Chuckles erupt up and down the long table.

“First of all,” Shane says, “I’ve never met a more courageous man than Jamie. He sacrificed a lot in service to his country, including his eyesight, but he’s never let his blindness stop him from going after what he wanted. I remember the day he moved out of my house to live on his own. He needed to show the world that, blind or not, he could take care of himself. Turns out, that was his lucky day because that’s when he met Molly.” Shane laysa hand on my shoulder. “The rest, as they say, is history. A toast—to my brother and his beautiful bride-to-be.”

I lift my glass.I’ll drink to that.

“May your future life together as husband and wife be smooth sailing,” he says.

Lots of glasses touch mine, and I can’t help smiling. I’ve waited a long time for Molly to make an honest man of me. As I take a drink, I hear lots of murmured agreement.

Jake snakes his arm around my neck and hauls me close. “I’m happy for you, man.”

“And now for the marital advice,” Shane says. “Just remember this: your wife is always right. Even when she’s not, she is. Don’t forget that. As a husband, your job is to be kind and patient. Remember—putting up with us guys is hard work.”

Now there’s a bit more than just chuckling in the room.

Serving staff arrive then, bringing platters of food—hot wings, nachos, and onion rings—and of course more pitchers of beer.

The guys take turns offering either congratulations or words of advice.

“Shane’s advice is solid,” Jake says when it’s his turn to speak. “Of course in my case, it’s literally true. Annieisalways right.”

More laughter.

As everyone digs into the food, I sit back and listen to the multiple conversations going on around me, including lots of laughter and jokes, many at my expense. But I’m fine with it. They can tease me all they want. I’m marrying the love of my life in two months. I’ll finally have a wedding ring on her finger. I can’t ask for more.

Jake picks up his phone and starts tapping the screen. “I wonder what the girls are up to.”

“They’re eating cake,” Shane says, on my other side. “Gina Capelli catered the bachelorette party. She made a three-tiered strawberry cream cake, and Beth says it’s the best she’s ever had. And that’s saying a lot, because the cake at our wedding was excellent.”

“Did you say cake?” Dominic asks. “We should have gotten a cake. Why didn’t we think of that?”

“Don’t blame me,” Cooper says. “I told Shane we should have a cake.”

“I didn’t think we needed one,” Shane says. “We’ve got beer and hot wings.”

“Maybe they’ll save us some,” Liam says. “I’ll text Jasmine and ask her.”

I’m sitting here trying not to laugh. I’m pretty sure all the guys here would rather be with their women, including me. “Instead of worrying about whether or not there’ll be any cake left over, why don’t we go crash their party?”

My suggestion is greeted by a moment of silence, followed by an eruption of voices.

“You wouldn’t mind if we joined them?” Shane asks me.

“Of course not.”