Page 15 of Baby Makes 3

“A baby? That’s fantastic! How did this come about?”

“You’ve heard Molly talk about her assistant, Christy?”

“The young woman who runs the retail shop? Yes.”

“Christy has a sister who’s looking for a couple to adopt her baby. If everything goes well, that couple will be us.”

“Does Mom know?”

“Not yet. I thought we’d visit them this weekend and share the news.”

“The house is yours,” Shane says. “They’re just working on a few last things. You can have the keys anytime you want them. Enlist Sophie’s help getting it furnished. She’s been itching to get back into interior design ever since Mia was born.”

“Is Dominic still putting up a fuss about Sophie returning to work?”

“Can you blame him?”

“No. I’ll be the first to give the guy a pass. If someone tried to kidnap my pregnant wife—I don’t even want to think about it.”

“I’m so glad you guys have finally decided to join us. We’ll be neighbors. Your new daughter can have play dates with Lukeand Ava, not to mention all the other kids in the family. Mom should think about opening a daycare.”

After making plans to meet up this weekend, we end the call, and I get back to work. I want to get this book finished and off to my editor well before the wedding. With a wedding, a baby, and a new home, I think we’ll have our hands full.

But first, we need to pay my folks a visit.

Chapter 8 – Molly

I’m a nervous wreck when we pull into the driveway of Jamie’s parents’ house. He called them earlier today and asked if we could come over. His mom invited us for dinner.

“You okay?” Jamie asks me as I pull into his parents’ driveway and shut off the engine.


“You haven’t said a word since we left home.”

“Sorry. My mind is racing. And to be honest, I’m a bit nervous.”

Jamie reaches over and finds my hand, brings it to his mouth to kiss, then gives it a squeeze. “My parents are going to be thrilled. There’s nothing to be nervous about.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?” he asks.

“What if Melanie changes her mind?”

With a sigh, Jamie leans back in his seat. “That’s a risk we just have to take. What’s the alternative, Molly? To not even try?”

When I hear frustration edging his voice, I know I can’t let my fears ruin this chance for us. “You’re right. I guess I hate the idea of everyone getting excited for us, and then the whole thing falling through.”

“It won’t.”

“But what if it does? It’s out of our control.”

“Then we’ll start over and try again. We won’t let a set-back stop us from becoming parents, right?”

Out of habit, I nod, even though I know he can’t see me. “Right.”

We exit the car and walk up the drive hand in hand. Jamie has his cane with him, but right now I’m acting as his guide. We left Gus at home.