Page 58 of Taken By the Titan

Once the gear was ready for a quick departure, I limped down the other side of the hall and tried to move faster once I heard the squeak of rubber soles against the wet floor. And when I arrived Jaxon had Thorsten pinned against the floor, blood smearing the bottom beneath him.

“Jaxon!” I yelled. “Get off of him or I’ll shoot!” I pointed the gun in his direction.

“Kal?!” He stopped and stood up. “Why are you down here?”


I heard him cough, and I limped to him to help him up while Jaxon looked on in shock.

“Kal, what happened?!” Jaxon yelled.

“You made a deal with that piece of shit! I thought you hated titans.”

“He can pay us enough money to make it to Sahara.”

Thorsten slammed him against the wall with a heavy splat.

“Kal!” Thorsten ran over and took me in his arms. “Did he hurt you?” His voice was like gravel in his throat.

“Thorsten. He tried to kill me.” Like a damn bursting I couldn’t hold back the sorrow, anger, and fear I felt along with the relief of seeing him again.

“Don’t fuck with me, dwarf. If you think Gio would let you walk away alive, you are sorely mistaken.” Thorsten sneered at Jaxon who stood against the wall in shock.

“I will kill him.” He lifted me up and carried me to a strange room with several consoles inside and sat me down on a crate.

“Hold him down human,” Thorsten ordered Jaxon, who followed along and did as Thorsten ordered him to do. I knew it had something to do with my wound, which was causing me to still lose a lot of blood. He grabbed an arm of a machine and pulled it down like a dentist positioning a light, but it was right at my calf. He then pulled down the wetsuit exposing my skin. “This will hurt, but it’ll be better than what it is now.” He said typing away and the humming sound vibrated near my skin and then came the small beam which seared and burned at the wound.

I screamed at the top of my lungs while Jaxon held me down, the smell of burned flesh stinging my nostrils. The bleeding had ceased, and the skin seared into an ugly, thick scar. Thorsten carried me back to the bodies.

“What’s this?” He asked opening the pouch and gasped and smiled at the canister. “You found it.” Thorsten placed it back. “Thank you.” He sighed, his face looking haggard. “You getting injured and almost killed was not worth this.”

“Thorsten, I know going home is important despite what you say. I understand.”

“Going home is important little one but my home is where ever you are. I won’t live without you, and not just because you’re my mate but because I love you.”

His lips were coppery with blood, his kisses wet and sticky.

I looked to Jaxon and then away, he looked like he was going through his own personal hell.

“Thorsten, Gio was on the phone with Felman. They planned to kill everyone.”

“Damn.” Jaxon muttered.

“I know.” Thorsten said with a smile. “We weren’t meant to survive this dive. This means the Madam could be dead too.”

He helped me up. My leg was still in massive amounts of pain and all I wanted to do was dip it in cold water to fight the burning sensation.

“Jaxon, there’s no point in listening to him. He was going to kill you too after you did his dirty work.” I said wanting him to know and hoping that was enough to make him leave us alone so we could all return to the surface.

“What the hell is going on here?” Dean and Jon arrived; a sack full of goods.

“It’s a story you don’t want to know,” I said, holding on to Thorsten’s neck as he carried me toward the airlock.

“Whatever you managed to get is yours to keep but you won’t be filling up a crate of goods, I’m afraid,” Thorsten said. “But that much should be enough to keep you happy for quite a while. If you live to see this mission concluded.”

Jaxon seemed to have finally recovered. “That fuck’s plan was to kill all of us and he could still be up there waiting to blow our brains out once we reach the top.”

“Then we go up there and prepare to kick some ass.” Dean grunted.