Page 56 of Taken By the Titan

The power turned on made my job much easier, as I wasn’t sure if this dwarven made cutter was enough to get through our security door. With access to the security room, I could unlock maintenance and every room not full of water, I could even divert water from some rooms into others. I could activate the repair drones to seal any holes. My only plan was to unlock the area where the now torn portal is to retrieve the rune and open storage for the humans and leave. The rest of the team was free to salvage what they could. So far, the passage in and out of the station made this trip a lot safer, so I felt comfortable heading back up.

The man who called himself Raze approached with the petite redhead named Shani, who barely participated in the planning and seemed to only be here because something glued her to the hip of this man.

“Fuck yeah on that power, I was sick of these headlights.” He looked around. “Everything is just a few inches taller than normal. This is a whole ass titan station.” His cunning eyes shifted to me. “No wonder you wanted to keep it a secret even from us.”

“I thought you’d be looting everything in sight,” I replied, not in the mood for a conversation. I just wanted to take the rune and go.

“Yeah. Well, we got one problem. Where is the fucking loot? This place is damn near picked clean.”

“We haven’t entered the storage room, yet.”

“Yeah, where is it? Cause I didn’t come here for nothing.”

“And what the hell would you do if you did?” I was tired and weak, and my patience was wearing mighty thin.

“Not be very fucking happy.” He gripped his gun, making it plain he had one. Of all the people to pull this shit, I didn’t think he would be the one.

“And I thought you were the smart one.”

“I’m the wannabe rich one. Now I’m not the type to show my hand so easily, but I can either go for the guaranteed pay, or the not guaranteed pay.”

I walked closer to him, ready to fight if I had to. I could move faster than the average human despite my size, and I was stronger.

“Get back, Shani.” He turned to push the girl back, and I took that opportunity to attack. I delivered a punch to the throat feeling the bone give way, he was dead already it was just a matter of when. He slid down the wall clutching his throat instinctively and looking up at me his eyes widened as if the reality of the predicament he was in had finally taken hold. He was going to die. I reached out and clasp his head, twisting it until I snapped the brain stem and he fell dead, put out of his misery.

The woman let out a gut punch of a cry and kneeled over him. She took hold of his gun and I reached out to her to attack but she fired, splattering bloody chunks on the wall.

The other two, the big guy named Dean and a smaller man, the one called Jon approached.

“What did you do?” Dean exclaimed, turning away from the carnage.

“He attacked me like a fool! And she obviously killed herself.” I gestured to the gun still locked in her fingers.

“Why? What did he attack you for?” Dean marched over but Jon grabbed him, holding him back.

“We’re down here in a station only he knows how to navigate and his man above sure as hell won’t leave without him. Let’s not pretend we don’t know why he attacked.” Jon said to the other human.

I see. So, the humans expected this attack to happen to me, which only meant. “Who hired you?”

“We didn’t see his face, but someone who has a vested interest in you not making it back to the surface.” Jon replied.

“Shit!” Dean yelled and kicked the air. “Some asshole offered us all a lot of money to off you down here, seems like Raze took the deal.”

I licked my salty lips. “Was it Jaxon? Or one of my kind?”

“The meeting took place before the new guy joined us.”

“Maybe you ought to tell us what the hell is going on.” Dean sighed.

“I don’t have to tell you anything. Once I get to the security room, I’ll siphon the water from the storage area and you can have at it, take your payment and leave. I don’t care. But you will not reach the surface until I’m on that platform. Now you can take that deal or end up like the two of them.”

“We had already decided not to take that deal.” Dean paced. “Kal, we haven’t spoken much, but he saved my ass once duringone of our dives and Jon made it his life’s mission to stay away from shady folks. Vanir is a simpler place than this, we just want to live better lives.”

“Then head to the storage room door. You see those markings.” I pointed to the text in my language, which read storage bay three. “Remember what that looks like because that is the storage room. It’s full of water, but I can seal the hole and siphon the water from the maintenance room.

“Whatever you say.” Jon shrugged.

Once they left me I headed down the damp dank halls, the memories of this place flooding back. I was so full of hope for this mission. I wanted to prove to my family and peers that my weak body wasn’t going to prevent my contributions to our empire. Finding a mate was a bonus. How naïve I was to think that I would only find other titans in another realm. The only good that came from coming here was finding Kal and although I planned to move with him to Sahara to build a life with him, I couldn’t allow Felman or anyone else to use our being stranded here as a means of controlling our future. The portal would just be found and destroyed, perhaps even before the Madam and her friends could use it.