Page 31 of Taken By the Titan

“Your debut is tonight.”


“I’m sure Thorsten informed you of that three days ago.”

“I don’t remember.” I shrugged, feeling some pain in my stomach from the nerves.

“I’m here to escort you to the salon to prepare.”

“Oh, okay.”

It was the first time I had breathed air that wasn’t blowing into my room, it was as if I was in my own personal bubble, and something had popped it, and I was like a newborn introduced to the world. Even if that introduction was a controlled one.

The castle was like its own city. The roads and walkways were paved in pale white stone, gleaming under the afternoon sun. Luxury shops lined the streets, displaying exquisite wares in their windows - glittering gold jewelry, vibrant silken scarves, leather goods with rich patinas.

Cafes spilled out onto the streets, with wrought iron tables and chairs filled with animated patrons dining al fresco. The aroma of fresh baked bread and coffee lingered in the air. Street vendors sold bouquets of bright wildflowers, their fragrance mixing with the scents of cinnamon and vanilla.

The architecture was stunning, all graceful arches and domes, columns, and balustrades. Fountains centered many of the piazzas, spraying cool mist and the soothing sound of running water.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw ice cream! I’ve never had ice cream before, only shaved ice with flavored syrups poured on top. I felt enveloped in an atmosphere of elegance, pleasure, and beauty. This was a place for strolling and savoring - good food, good wine, music and art. A place of culture and refinement. A person could get lost in the charm and splendor of this city.

Titans and humans mingled and went about their lives, only stopping to stare at me, and for the first time, I felt truly scrutinized.

“Hurry,” Gio instructed to follow him inside the Victorian designed building. It reminded me of a good number of structures built in Vanir. Wood and stone, asymmetrical shapes with decorative trimmings, and steep, multi-faceted roofs.

The perfumes hit me straight away when we entered, mannequins adorned in the lengthy gowns, wigs rested on top of wooden heads, shoes, and more shoes galore was there for the taking. The plush cream-colored ottomans, soft white cotton candy-like carpet made the place look like a lounge rather than a salon. However, further in, I saw a pink neon light bar and purple bar stools. This was a thrall salon, a place where the so-called masters weren’t allowed to enter.

A human woman with enormous tits approached. Her lengthy red and black dress bunched up in her jeweled fingers as she barreled through the hall toward us.

“Hello, Master Kal of House Salverson.” She bowed low and held out her hand for me to take, which I did. I looked to Gio, confused.

“Salverson is your master’s surname.”

I nodded.

“You can wait outside.” She turned to Gio as if she was telling a pest to leave.

“I beg to differ.” He said, folding his arms. “I won’t interfere with your business, but my mentor told me to remain here to ensure his safety.”

“But, this is a pet salon!” The woman said incredulously. “No harm could come of him here.”

“He still gave me my orders. If you don’t like it, you can contact my master and inform him of how you don’t like it.”

The color drained from her face, and she swallowed hard. “Fine, just wait outside. The other pets have finished selecting their attire for the evening, anyway.”

“Allow me to say a few words to my charge before you whisk him away.”

“Yes.” She bowed her head a tad and walked away from me, and Gio approached. His dark eyes sharpened like a bird of prey, and it made me uneasy.

“Do not think of making my job harder than it needs to be. If you run off, I will find you and inform Thorsten of your terrible accident while making your escape.”

“And you would be a fool to hurt me,” I said, unwilling to coward to this man. “I’m his mate. He loves me. Even if I ran, he would forgive me, I know it.” I said more as a revelation to myself than to Gio.

“I have half a mind to take you myself…” He stared at me, and now I backed away from him and the creepy smile forming on his lips.

“Are we done?”

“I’ll wait outside.”