Page 28 of Taken By the Titan

“We will transport your father to a superb hospital tomorrow morning, and they will tell him that it’s because of you? If you have a message to give him, then tell me now.”

“Tell him I love him, and I hope to see him soon.”

“Will do.”

“Where is this hospital? Is it here in the city?”

“That’s on a need to know basis.”

When I woke up he was gone, and this time no one was in here. I didn’t want to see Diana again. I didn’t have time to talk to Thorsten about what happened before.

I also wondered if I should just forget about it. If I were to gain some perspective on my own, then I can’t believe it was Thorsten who touched me before. The times we were together he’s been gentle when he needed to be and rough when I wanted him to be. There was perhaps love behind his touch, and while I’ve been in awe of Thorsten’s strength, I’ve never feared him to the point of my body locking up. This energy was different. Ithad to have been Gio. But why? And should I tell Thorsten? I didn’t know what to do. But what if he tried something again?

Thorsten did a good job cleaning me out, but I was so sore that I bet walking would be a painful chore. I wanted to just lay in bed all day long and make Diana bring me my meals. Oh, how jealous she would be while wheeling that cart into her precious Master’s quarters to serve me in his bed.

But that would just add fuel to an unnecessary fire, and like I said before, I didn’t want to see her anyway. I didn’t want to dwell in negativity, I just wanted to find the silver lining behind my predicament. Which wasn’t difficult to find. My father would get the care he needed and being with Thorsten wasn’t bad. We had a rough beginning but I couldn’t deny how he made me feel. I wanted to rest my head on his big shoulders and rely on him. I think I was even falling for him.

But I should know better than anyone that this world wasn’t that kind. He held all the cards and maybe I just wanted to drown in the fantasy that he was doing all of this because he loved me, but just didn’t know how to express it. The truth could be that I’m just an easy tool to use and discard, and I had to steel my heart for that future.

I saw my robe draped on the arm of the chair in the room; he must have gotten someone to bring it in.

I covered myself and tried to walk straight to the thrall room to shower and get dressed, my ass was destroyed. I headed to the thrall bathroom to clean up. As big and beautiful as Thorsten’s tub, I wanted a shower and to wash my hair.

Everything was going fine until I squirted the bottle of shampoo on the edge of my scalp. I had planned to squirt it all over as my mop required almost a full bottle just to wash properly. But once the creamy liquid hit my skin, it seared into my flesh, burning and cooking it!

Screaming, I dropped the bottle and ran to the flowing water to wash it off! But it only heightened the burning pain and caused the thick liquid to enter my right eye.

“Thorsten!” I yelled and slipped from the shower and onto the floor.

“Kal?!” I heard his voice through my screams and ran from the bath, tripping on the floor.

“It’s burning!” I yelled, the pain unrelenting.

“Get the doctor!” He ordered before lifting me in his arms and running with me downstairs. “Here. Take your hand away.” He instructed, which I reluctantly obeyed as the pain made me want to shield the area on impulse. He laid me on the island in the kitchen, and I heard him hiss in pain. “Acid?” He said as if he couldn’t believe it. After rummaging around, he sprinkled something on me and placed me in the industrial sink, and ran freezing water over me. The pain persisted, though not as much as before. He tilted my head back and poured what I now knew was saltwater inside my eye when the liquid ran into my mouth. The pain had ceased, but he still made sure he washed it away. I shivered. He trembled. He then wrapped me in something soft and carried me in his arms. He muttered words I couldn’t understand the entire way while I cried and asked to see my father.

Putting me in his bed, he ordered Hannah to bring my robe, which he slipped on me, and it didn’t take long for a human doctor to come. He spoke with a thick Jötun accent, and I could scarcely understand a word he said, but he bandaged me, and placed a medical patch over my eye. When I asked him if I would see out of it again, he and Thorsten headed out of the room without speaking a word.

I knew who did this. There was no doubt in my mind. That bitch never wanted me here and was obviously jealous of my relationship with Thorsten. I didn’t know what type of power Ihad, but I didn’t care anymore. No amount of drugs could take away the still lingering pain on my face and eye. And there she was, her face between the crack of the door like the fucking troll she is!

My head was woozy from all the meds, but there was no way in hell I was going to allow myself to fall asleep while that bitch was in this house with me. I charged for the door, and she ran away from me down the hall and hit the stairs while I tumbled down the last few steps after her.

“You fucking bitch!” I hollered and grabbed at her hair so I could pull her down and wail on her good! My father taught me never to hit a woman, but there was nothing in his lessons about what to do when a woman disfigures you with fucking acid.

“Stop!” Thorsten pulled me away, and I still took a few of her blonde strands in my fingers.

Gio held Diana back as she flung several curses my way.

“Let me go!” I yelled, fighting fruitlessly for my freedom. “It hurts!” I screamed, and he released me. I wasn’t in much pain, I just wanted him to let me go. I was done fighting and putting up with this shit.

“Kal?” Thorsten called to me, checking on me to see if I was okay. His white brows knitted. The look on his face broke my heart, but I didn’t want pity or concern right now. The only thing I wanted was revenge.

“I want her gone!” I pointed at her. “If I have any power here, then I want to use it to get rid of her once and for all!”

“What the hell are you saying?!” Diana yelled. “You think I would be dumb enough to hurt you!?”

“You tried to cut my hair when I was sleeping, and what a surprise, you then put something in my shampoo!”

She looked from me to Thorsten. “Master, I love serving you—”