Page 25 of Taken By the Titan

“Well, I’m…” I wanted to say I wasn’t really a thrall, but maybe I shouldn’t say that.

“Of course, you’re not a real thrall, child.” Her voice trembled, but not because of fear or sadness. It was just the byproduct of age. “You are a street rat brought into a world you know nothing about.” She eyed the collar around my neck. “I feel sorry for you.” She said, her eyes more expressive than her face. “For you’ve drawn one of their attentions to you in a way I’ve seen only once.”

“This has happened before? What happened?”

“The titan fell in love with his thrall, a beautiful woman. Not more than twenty years ago. They were found out and hunted down. They knew what would happen if captured. They committed suicide.” She jumped away from the topic quickly. “It may not end well for you, too. Right now, let’s focus on the here and now. You need to learn how to behave in this new world of yours.”

She guided me to the dining room. The servants set the table for a feast, but there was no food, though I could smell it coming from the kitchens. She directed me to sit, but not at the head, but at the side.

“During a dinner, even if you eat with other thralls, you will not sit at either head of the table but on the sides.” She directed my attention to the setup of the silverware and plates. Which ones were for slices of bread and butter, which knives and forks to use, and how to place my napkin. There was no way I couldremember all of this. “Remember to always pass a dish to the right.” She sat down and demonstrated the motion by passing a large plate to me and watched as I pretend to pass it to another. She then instructed me on holding a wine glass using the stem and how to excuse myself to the bathroom.

“I’m going to make a fool of myself.” I sighed, overwhelmed.

“Of course you will. It’s all about making less of a fool of yourself, love.” She shouted to the kitchen. “Bring out the morning meal!”

A servant wheeled out a cart of food and placed the items on the table in the center. Even the breakfast had to be something fancy. He lifted the lid revealing a row of sausages and another plate of scrambled eggs, stacked English muffins with jam, butter, clotted cream on the side, rare steak, roasted potatoes, and orange juice, and the customary water.

“Who the hell could eat all of this?” I mumbled.

She instructed me on reaching for the plates to grab the food I wanted, advising me to avoid the steak because of the dripping blood and juices. The next few hours delved into walking and posture. Sitting and rising, and how to greet the nobles if called upon and so on. Yeah, I was convinced I would make a big fat fool of myself once this was all said and done.

“I’ve had many students, but you are by far the worst.” She finally scoffed once I tripped on my foot. “You have one month to get ready for your debut.”

“I don’t think I can do this.”

“It doesn’t matter what you think you can do or not. You just simply have to.” She sighed. “We have a few days before your expected debut. Let’s call it for right now.” She grabbed her fur and left me standing in the room alone. I reached for the front door after she left to see if I could open it when it flew open. And as if he had been waiting outside the entire time, Thorsten had returned.

He placed a bag on the table in the living room. Imagining him going grocery shopping was weird.

“I need to talk to you about something,” I said before he picked up his tablet.

“I’m sure your lessons went well.”

“It was horrible. I think I will fall on my face.”

“Then I will replace her.”

“No! It’s not that. She’s great. I just suck.”

“You do suck.” He smiled. “But in a good way.”

I looked away, my face turning red. “You’ll do well. None of the thralls knew how to do anything. That’s why the school exists. They had to undergo training, and Mrs. Winters has been training them for years.”

“If you say so.” I shrugged. “But that’s not really what I wanted to talk about. Something happened when I woke up this morning. I was wondering if you were playing some trick on me? Like feeling me up…”

A glass shattered nearby, disrupting our conversation. Hannah was bleeding. Blood squirted from her wrist, spraying the walls. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She yelled.

I rushed to her, putting pressure on the wound.

“I’ll get the medkit,” Thorsten replied.

“No, I’ll handle this.” Gio rushed into the room, taking her wrist and ushering her away.

“Clumsy girl.” Thorsten shook his head. “You need to bathe and change.” He pointed to the blood all over my tunic and hands. “I hope she didn’t have a disease of the blood.”

“Yeah, I’ll get cleaned up.”

Thorsten ordered the other servants to clean up the blood as I headed up toward the servant’s bathroom. He wasn’t far behind. He said nothing as he pulled up my tunic and dug his hand inside my underwear, grabbing my cock, causing me to sigh with shock and pleasure.