Page 20 of Taken By the Titan

“Of course, your poor sick father.” He leaned back in his large chair, his silver eyes somewhat more vibrant than before. “Hold one hand out while attempting to escape with the other isn’t wise.”

“There’s no guarantee you would help, and I’m learning not to trust anyone in this city.”

“Speaking of your so-called friends, they broke your lover out. Seems they really cared about him.”

“Jaxon is free?” I exclaimed. Good news or it should have been, but that only means I traded myself for nothing.

“How does it feel? Knowing you did everything for nothing?” His words mirrored my thoughts.

“If it saves my father’s life, then it wasn’t for nothing.”

“That’s what I want to hear.” He breathed and leaned forward again, his sharp chin resting on his hands. “It’s official. I will pay for a doctor to treat your father, and you will become my first thrall.”

“What am I expected to do?” I thought of what happened at that water buried statue, the way he held me close, the feel of him so near. Was he expecting more of me?

“Entertain me. It’s not a hard job.” He chuckled for a short time and gestured to the food. “Now, you may eat.”

I reached for the meat on my plate, not giving a damn if I had a fork or not. Before I could put the hot crispy meat in my mouth.

“Stop.” He said with a smug smirk on his face.

He’s toying with me, and I wasn’t in the fucking mood for it. I was hungry, and my patience was fast running out. Still, Iplaced the damn meat back onto my plate, and this time I licked my fingers, which caused my stomach to rumble at the delayed meal. Now if he tried to tell me to go back to that damn room without eating, he would see firsthand what a gutter rat would do for the sake of survival. My eyes darted to the cutting knife among the silverware set placed near me.

“Insolent.” He whispered with a hiss, but he didn’t seem angry, more like he was mocking me or something.

“What the hell do you expect? I haven’t eaten in days!” I yelled, having enough of this shit already.

He said nothing in return. He just picked up a piece of food, white with dark spots, something I’ve never seen before, and dropped it on the floor. I heard the feet of the servants shuffle. I don’t know why, but I looked at the blonde bitch, and just the smug piece of shit expression on her face was enough to force me to stay put. Still, his gaze was stronger than hers, and I felt the embarrassing weight of expectation on me. I finally stood and walked over to the slippery thing and placed it on the table.

“With your mouth.” He said with his thousand-yard stare. “I want you to crawl on your knees to the fruit and clean it up with your mouth.” He must have known what my expression meant. “You are my pet after all, isn’t that what they do?”

Fuck it! Grabbing a handful of the chicken, I stuffed it into my mouth like one of the beggars in the lower levels running a smash and eat feast at the third level street vendors. I heard him yell something in his language, but I didn’t care. I was going to stuff as much food in my mouth as I could. I think I laughed like a crazy person, and when I looked at him, I noticed a smile on his lips as Gio pulled me away.

So, I was back in what I believe to be my room, this time with handfuls of chicken in my hands, which I wasn’t letting go for anybody. I laid my spread on the vanity table and chompedat the food until nothing but bones remained. Then I licked my fingers clean of the spicy cream sauce.

“Take off that outfit I’ll have a servant dry clean it.” Gio entered the room. I ignored him and continued to clean my hands like a wild animal until his patience ran out and he tore off the garment until I was naked. His expression shifted to something I couldn’t describe, and as he attempted to reach out for me, I recoiled from his touch. He pulled back and didn’t speak another word. He just left the room, closing the door behind him, and I heard the lock fall into place. I looked at the window, it was closed again too.

Great. This was one of those instant regret moments. He was right when he said it wasn’t very smart to ask for aid when I didn’t intend to deliver on my end. I could argue all I want about not trusting anyone, but if there is the smallest chance he would make due on his promise to save my father’s life, then wasn’t my pride a trivial price? What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I do that? Was it because I didn’t want the servants to look down on me any more than they already did? Or was it because I’m hard from him ordering me to pick up that piece of fruit with my mouth? If being some beaten dog was some kink for me, then holy shit was I not eager to find out.



That blonde bitch Diana entered the thrall room. It’s like sneering was the only expression this woman had. I went to the bathroom to see if there was a towel or something I could use to cover up and also because I wanted to wash my hands. I noticed the servant uniform I had was gone, and there were no other clothes here, which meant I was going commando until he let me out again. Great…and I meant that very, very sarcastically.

“Are you happy you got what you came here for?” Diana said, putting the used sheets into the bin she had near the bed.

What bug crawled up her backside? I get it, they didn’t want to serve a thrall, and maybe they felt betrayed or something because they thought I was a servant. I wanted to prove that I was different, and even if I could have been stuck in here for another few days, it wasn’t enough for her to give a damn. Maybe none of them did, and I didn’t know why I expected it.

“Just leave me alone,” I replied. “Just clean up my shit so I can sit in here and starve half to death in peace,” I said, wrapping a clean towel around my waist.

“Almost done, whore.” She smirked and turned her back to finish smoothing out the sheets.

That was it. This was the last whore I wanted to hear out of this woman’s lips. If I would die a miserable death in this room. The thought of her sneering over my corpse and calling me a whore was not the lasting impression I wanted to leave behind. Like the thousands of other humans who lived in this world, I was a survivor. I didn’t ask for this any more than she asked to be a servant, but if she didn’t care to understand that, then fuck her.

I reached out to grab her, to yell those words in her face, and toss her from my room.

But someone had gripped me by the arm before I could reach the girl. It was my so-called master. The sudden movement caused Diana to turn to face us. How the hell did he move so fast?