Page 18 of Taken By the Titan

“It’s a thrall room.” He said, not moving from the doorway. He looked tired. Maybe he needed to lean against the wall. “It’s where the thralls sleep and play, where they doll themselves up to look pretty for me.”

“It’s empty.”

“Not anymore.”

I walked right into that. “I thought you were sick,” I said, hoping he would go back to bed.

“And I thought you were supposed to bring me my meal.”

“I got…”


I knew he wouldn’t believe me, but I had no other excuses. “Sorry.”

“Sorry.” He repeated with a tone of mockery and stepped back.

A breeze blew in, ruffling my shirt, and I turned to see the windows were opening until it opened completely. What the hell?

“Now, you will have all the time in the world to figure a way out of here.”

“Wait!” I ran for the door as he slammed it shut in my face and quickly closed the human door with a lock. I tugged on the handle to no avail. “Wait! Let me out!” I knew nothing good would come of this. He opened that window for a reason!


I went to the opened window; half expecting a creature straight out of the Cthulhu mythos to jump inside and tear me apart in its little tentacle teeth. I looked outside. The smell of the city air wafted in, not pleasant but not the worst. Most of it was the damp air and the sea's salty scent, which I would love if it was not mingled with industrial pollution. The sounds of the city overwhelmed me. So many titans in one place. And there was no ledge, nothing to latch onto to escape, nothing but an abrupt drop to my demise.

There was nothing else to do but sit down on one of the plush pillowed beds and feel like an idiot for having wasted my first chance like this. Patience was a virtue, after all. I needed to learn it. I wondered how long he would keep me locked in? My body ached when I laid down like a load was taken off the joints, and I closed my eyes. I couldn’t tell you now the time between closing my eyes and falling asleep. Perhaps it was that instantaneous.



This was impossible. How could a dwarf be my mate? It had been centuries since I had come here, and yet, the moment I looked upon the face of that dwarven male in the holo did the revelation hit me like Thor’s hammer. I made him please me just to gauge my level of disgust at the possibility of that truth.

However, no such revulsion came to me. Instead, I wanted to drive my cock into his petite body. I wanted more, to feel him, smell him, taste him, and hold him, I wanted to grip him by his mop of inky black hair and listen to him moan the moment I take him from behind. The heat of him was enough to drive me insane.

To want such a thing with a lesser being was no different than fucking an animal. That was what we believed. Thralls were meant for entertainment at parties. Strong arms holding up lithe bodies, hard cocks dripping and ready to dive into the pussy or ass of their kind.

These shameless debaucheries lasted for hours. The most involvement we would have is directing our pets to take thepositions we most wanted to see them in. But to touch them sexually? To join in? These were forbidden sins. Dwarves were animals. What we saw on display was the rutting of mammals. We were above that… or so we all said. If any of our kind lowered themselves to fuck a dwarf, the council of nobles would exile them or, worse, put them to death. Smaller cities didn’t choose exile or death, but placed a stamp of degeneracy on their record that would follow them to any city they wished to live. However, the fact that these rules were in place meant some of our kind had committed the act before.

Hm, a degenerate? I suppose that’s what I am now. I rather liked the sound. But I only touched him, frotted with him, I didn’t actually fuck him. So it’s not as if I’m beyond saving. But why did I bring him here, knowing the problems he would bring? Maybe it was some unconscious form of self-sabotage. Besides, I wouldn’t still be here at the top if I followed all the rules. If he was my fated one, then perhaps these dwarves were not just animals? I needed to know, to understand. Giving him up was not an option.

I had no plans to take him to any of the hosted parties and no desire to see some dwarven stallion moaning on him, and I highly doubted he wanted the same. He wasn’t even a true thrall, and it showed in every ounce of his being.

That’s what excited me the most.

As much as I wanted to take him in that room, my performance would have been as lifeless as mating one of my own. My limbs felt like liquid lead ran through my veins. I could only just drag myself from my bed when I heard him rummaging about in the thrall room. The thought of breaking him down to the point of begging for my cock was tempting, but ultimately in my condition, I couldn’t do much of anything. I was the weakest of my father’s sons. The youngest of fourteen children. I came here to prove myself. I was always sickly and prone to thesebouts of illness. I knew swimming in that water would make me sick and yet I still dove in to save my so called fated one.

Dragging myself back to bed, I repositioned the heating light and pulled the electric heated blankets over my body. I hated this damn realm and this damn weather. Udgård was also cold, but we at least had heated summers with unmatched scenery. Here it was too gray and dreary and raining. Perhaps this realm was beautiful before we destroyed it with our arrival. But even so, understanding how it happened wasn’t enough to make me happy to be trapped here.

Gio opened the door as though the thing would fall apart at the slightest touch.

“Is the rune verified?” I asked, not willing to lift my head from the soft pillows.

“No, sir. Verification was only at three percent when I had to abandon the task.” He almost stammered over his words. “I had to remove it from the shield.”

“Do you have any idea what you could have done?” I asked, the anger rising. “You could have destroyed it!”