"Why are you bringing this up so suddenly?" Thorsten asked gently.

"It's not sudden," I explained. "I've been thinking about it since the portal was first fixed four years ago. I know you think about going home all the time. I can see it in your eyes when you stare off at the horizon. And I know you only delay for our sake."

I took his hand, looking earnestly into his eyes. "I don't want to be the cause of your unhappiness. Not when the chance to reunite with your family is so close now."

Thorsten sighed heavily, rolling onto his back. "It's true, I do think of it often. But I would never want to place you and the children in peril with no escape. What if those who already traveled through became stranded, or walked into turmoil in Utangard?" His brows knitted with worry.

I nodded, conceding the risk was real. "I know, and I won’t pretend I’m not scared. But I also don't want us to be the reason you never see your homeland again after so many centuries. You have an entire family waiting for you on the other side.”

“You’re my family too.”

“I know, and I’ll always be with you,” I said curling his strand around my finger. “I just keep thinking about how anything could happen to the portal while we’re waiting. What if it just stops working?”

“If that happens then I will rebuild it again.” He kissed the back of my hand. "You would brave the unknown for my sake?" he whispered. "You're too good to me, little one.”

“I give what is given to me. I know you’re willing to stay if I tell you to.”

“You’ll be leaving the human world behind with no assurance you could return.”

“I know, but I’m a natural born nomad. I think I can handle it.”

“If you are certain, then yes - I want to return home with you by my side.” He then kissed me deeply.

“As long as we're together, I know everything will be okay."



The next morning at breakfast, Kal and I informed William and the twins of our decision to finally journey through the portal to Utangard.

William's weathered face creased with worry; his eggs forgotten. "Are you boys sure about this? Crossing over could be dangerous. What about waiting for the scouts sent through to return?" He looked at Kal pleadingly. "We have a good life here, don't we?"

Kal nodded, but stood firm. "I’m sorry dad, but I've made up my mind. It’s been four years since the portal was fixed, we can’twait any longer. But once we assess the situation over there we can return through the portal Thorsten built at his facility. I won’t leave you to worry for long.”

"Well, into the belly of the beast it is then!" He clapped his hands together with forced cheer. "So, what provisions should we pack for this wee adventure?"

“We? You’re coming?” Kal green eye widened.

“Of course I am! I won’t let my precious grandchildren go without me!”

“Are you sure?” Kal asked worried.

“I’ve been exploring the unknown since before you were born, what better way to retire than to head into the ultimate unknown.”

"We're going on a quest!" Loki cried, bouncing in his seat. Meanwhile his stoic older brother simply turned his head and smiled as if no one could see him. Watching them be so excited to go to my homeland was enough to dull my nerves. I had told them so many stories about Utangard. I even began speaking Eotenas, my mother tongue, around them more frequently and even did my best to teach it to Kal.

After eating, we packed lightly at my advice, bringing only the essentials. Everything we couldn’t take, Kal planned to give it to the others in the sanctuary. William bundled dried meat, fruit, nuts and other non-perishables for eating, and filled several canteens with fresh water. I hoped it would suffice.

As we prepared to cross the portal, conflicting emotions warred within me. I was eager to return home after so many centuries, to see my ancestral land again and reunite with family. Yet nervous excitement also bubbled within. I didn’t know how my people would take to humans or my hybrid children. If we encountered hostility in Utangard, I was prepared to take Kal and the twins to the safety of my castle in the northern lands where my research facility and portal is located.

If need be, we could return here, though I would not allow my family to live as paupers like this again. I would amass wealth so they could live in comfort, whatever it took. Truth be told, I disliked this place. It was too damn hot during the day and too damn cold at night. I disliked this humble home we had made. My mate deserved better and so did my children. They were born of royal blood. Afterall, and even within this apocalyptic hell scape they still deserved the best it could offer.

But these thoughts I would keep to myself.

Either way, I hoped it all worked out. I would love for Kal and the children to remain in Utangard and I was prepared to fight tooth and nail for their place within it. Running away was simply a last resort. No matter what awaited beyond the portal, I would protect them at all costs. None would harm them as long as I drew breath. I just prayed my royal status would shield us from any who would mean them ill.