As soon as we were in the kitchen, Thorsten grabbed Váli by the collar and slammed him against the counter. "I don't know what game you're playing," he hissed, "but if you try to poison my mate, I'll kill you."

Váli didn't fight back, just stared calmly into Thorsten's furious eyes. "I know exactly what game I'm playing," he said coolly. "I watched my father die to preserve this royal family, and now I'm being asked to do the same. I won't give up my life for nothing, only to see the royal family perish before my eyes! I will not be the general who sat back and watched it happen."

"To the hells with your games, Váli!" Thorsten spat. "You don’t give a damn about whether Kal can go to Innangard!"

"Of course not," Váli replied, unfazed. "But they do.” He gestured to the doors where the nobles waited. “And I care about unifying the royal court, and if that means I have to risk my life, then so be it. I've already made arrangements for another general to take my place should you decide to execute me. And Kal chose this path for himself," Váli continued, looking at me. "He understands the gravity of the situation."

Thorsten studied me, hurt and betrayal etched across his face. "Why did you keep this a secret from me, Kal? I can understand the nobles scheming, but not you. If we can't trust each other, what do we have?"

"Thorsten, I'm sorry," I apologized again, gods, seeing his face, the betrayal in his eyes hurt more than anything. "A part of me can’t help but think that with everything going on, you would be better off without me. That I’m the weak link here. But if I can do this, then I won’t be. I know, you would probably walk away from the throne if I begged you to do it, but that would be the same as asking you to abandon your family to die, and I don't want to be responsible for you abandoning your family and your people."

"See?" Váli sneered. "At least one of you understands how important this is. I have half a mind to snatch that crown off your head, and place it on top of the dwarf's."

That was the last straw for Thorsten. He punched Váli square in the face. Blood spurted from his mouth as he staggered backagainst the counter. Wiping the blood away, he locked eyes with Thorsten, and I could see the animosity boiling between them.

"Kal doesn't fully understand what you're asking of him," Thorsten argued, his voice like thunder in the tight space. "We don't even know if our medicines can cure humans on the same level, and you’re asking him to ingest a poison made for a titan!"

I could see the worry in his silver eyes, but I couldn't let it sway me. Not now.

"Even if he successfully go to Innangard," Thorsten continued, "he may never wake up, and that's what you're hoping for."

"Thorsten, I–" I tried to interject, but Váli cut me off.

"I won't deny that Kal remaining in a never-ending slumber would be better for all of us," he said coolly, wiping more blood from his mouth, "but no matter what, the Innangard will work out in all of our favor. If Kal wakes up, he will be acknowledged, at least far more than he would if he had never done it at all. Your children can gain legitimacy, and he will be allowed to live his life in relative peace."

"Enough talking," I snapped, my heart thundering. "I'll take the damn poison. Maybe if I stay asleep, it would give me some fucking peace of mind."

"Kal, you don't have to decide this now," Thorsten said, desperation creeping into his voice. "It takes time to make the poison."

"Actually," Váli smirked, "the poison has already been made."

He pulled a small vial from his pocket, the greenish liquid inside glinting menacingly in the dim kitchen light. My stomach twisted at the sight, but I steeled myself.

"Váli, you snake," Thorsten snarled. "From now on, I'll be watching myself and my mate around you."

"Your Majesty," Váli said with a smug smile, "I am still your friend. And sometimes friends need to pull their wayward friends by the ear and set them on the right track."

Váli turned his attention back to me, holding the vial out. "All you have to do is drink it, Kal. I'm sure Thorsten will take very good care of your body."

"Fuck you, Váli!" Thorsten spat, his fury reaching a boiling point. He was about to unleash a torrent of curses when I snatched the vial from Váli's hand and downed the contents in one swift motion.

The taste was like nothing I'd ever experienced before – bitter, burning, and strangely cold all at once. As the poison raced through my veins, I could feel my vision starting to blur, my limbs growing heavy. Thorsten's face swam before me, a mixture of horror and heartbreak.

"Kal!" he shouted, his voice distant and muffled as darkness began to close in around me. "Stay with me, Kal! Don't you dare leave me!"

My world faded to black, my last conscious thought a desperate hope that I would wake up again and be able to hold my family in my arms again.



I woke up shivering, the cold wind whipping through the dark trees surrounding me. The damp forest floor was covered in decaying leaves that gave off an earthy, musty scent. Strange animal cries echoed in the distance, and I strained to see anything through the pitch blackness. I reached out, feeling the rough bark of a nearby tree to steady myself. 'I really stepped in it now, didn't I?' I thought as a wave of regret flooded my mind. Ugh, I shouldn't have jumped the gun and drank the poison! I had no idea what to expect here or even how it all worked. Why the heck did I allow my emotions to get the better of me? I should have trusted that Thorsten had everything under control, but I also know him, and know that he would just tell meeverything was fine to not worry me. Now I was worrying him. I have to get back to him and the boys as soon as possible, the only problem I faced was how on earth was I supposed to do that?

"Where am I?" I muttered under my breath, trying to keep my fears in check. But the eerie silence provided no comfort. Was this truly Innangard?

As my eye adjusted, I noticed the silhouettes of twisted, gnarled branches reaching towards the night sky like claws. I carefully stepped over protruding roots, trying to find a path through the dense trees. The sound of twigs snapping made me freeze, sending a chill up my spine. I glimpsed shadows shifting between the trees and couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

"Hello?" I called out hesitantly, my voice cracking slightly. "Anybody there?"