I noticed the sheathed knife on his belt and shot Thorsten a scolding look - I didn't like him gifting the boys weapons.

Thorsten just shrugged. "I had a knife their age too."

"I don't like the knife, Papa," Loki piped up. "I got Sparkle!" He held up the beloved black and white plush cat I had passed down to him. It used to be my mom's - Luna 2 she had called it, afterher own name. When I was little, I renamed it Boop. After an old black and white cartoon I saw ages ago. Now in Loki's hands, it lived a new life as Sparkle, thanks to the touch of glitter on its nose.

That tattered old cat had survived three generations of love and play. A little immortal in its own right. I hoped it would continue to be passed down through our family, gathering new names and adventures.

"You take good care of Sparkle," I said, ruffling Loki's hair. I was struck by how fast they were both growing up. Soon, neither would have any use for childish things like stuffed animals. But not yet - they were still my little boys.

I thought I'd see a shining light emanating from the portal or maybe even see into the Titan world like it was some sort of mirror, but instead I could just make out the cave wall on the other side, obscured by a hazy shimmer.

"Is it turned on?" I asked Thorsten.

He nodded. "It's been active this whole time."

"How does this thing work exactly?"

"The portal I built centuries ago should still be open," Thorsten explained. "We constructed it in a research facility at my castle where we first studied the runes. If we're fortunate, someone on the other side may have found a way to link my original portal to this one."

"I remember you saying you were working on that before you came through."

"Yes, the goal was to build a second gate here in the human world and connect the two, linking Utangard and Earth." He sighed. "Alas, that endeavor was interrupted."

Thorsten went on to warn that if no linkage had occurred, our travel would be unstable. We could end up anywhere in Utangard upon crossing over.

"Best case, we arrive in Esmia, my homeland," he said. "But if fate is unkind, we may materialize in an enemy's domain."

I nodded, recalling his lessons about the allies and foes in the titan world. Though that knowledge was centuries out of date now.

"I'll keep that in mind," I assured him. "Who knows how much has changed since you left."

Thorsten grabbed some belts and carabiners, much like those used by rock climbers. He secured one around his own waist, then got to work buckling them securely around the twins and me. William did the same for himself. Each belt was attached to a sturdy rope.

"When we first came to Earth, we arrived in several transport ships," Thorsten explained as he connected our ropes in a line. "As a result, many of us were scattered across your planet. But now, with our limited resources, everyone returning home must be linked together like this." He went on to explain how headjusted the strength of the traveler’s rune with barriers to not cause the same cataclysmic event. But if I were to be honest, I didn’t understand half of what he was saying. He was mostly talking because he was nervous and so I let him go on without interruption.

We formed up in an odd little chain—Thorsten at the front, then the twins, then me, and William at the back. With packs on our shoulders, we stepped closer to the gaping portal.

Just before going through, Thorsten gave my hand one last reassuring squeeze. Then we moved forward into the pulsing void, all connected together.

Icy darkness enveloped me. My stomach dropped queasily, like plunging down the first steep hill of a rollercoaster. Disembodied voices whispered in my ears - sibilant, mocking.

And then we emerged on the other side, the blackness receding. I squinted against the sudden light shining on us from a nearby spotlight. We were in a large room. But it was filled with hulking, armed Titans who rushed at us with weapons drawn!



We spilled out of the portal into organized chaos, surrounded by hulking soldiers in military garb. My muscles seized, ready to fight, had we unwittingly stepped into enemy territory?

Before panic could take hold, I recognized the Yggdrasil insignia on their teal and gold uniforms. The royal crest, though marred by age. We were in friendly lands after all.

I scanned the sea of grim faces, searching for one familiar to me. My eyes landed on an imposing figure with long black hair swooped back displaying his widow’s peak, directing troops with curt gestures. His name was Váli. I noticed the winged crest onhis chest was that of a General. Which only could mean he had taken over the position now. He and I had known one another since we were children, when his father was general. Last I knew, his father was still a general when I left.

Váli's flinty gaze met mine, and astonishment flashed across his stern features. He barked an order, and the soldiers lowered their pikes warily.

"Thorsten...by the ancient ones, is it truly you?" Váli rumbled as he strode over.

"It's been too long, my friend," I replied, clasping his outstretched arm. I noted the deep lines etched around his eyes. Time had not passed gently for any of us.