All eyes turned to me as Radorgirn beckoned me forth. With steady steps, I approached and knelt before the ornate throne. The clasp of the royal cloak unfastened with a soft click, and the heavy garment slipped from my shoulders. A symbolic shedding of the burdens I had borne for far too long.

Radorgirn's voice rang out clear and true. "In the name of our forebears, I, Radorgirn, son of Bergelmir, do resume my rightful place as High King of Esmia. Rise, Thorsten of House Yggdrasil. You are released from your duties."

I rose to my feet. Our eyes met, his gleaming with pride. Despite our differences, in the end, he knew I had come through and done what was needed of me. I inclined my head in deference. His firm clasp on my shoulder spoke what words between men of our bloodline so often could not.

The ancient crown of twisted vines and leaves once more rested upon Radorgirn's brow. A heavy burden I was more than happy to relinquish to my brother's capable shoulders. My purpose had been to steer our family through the darkness of war and reunite our sundered line. That monumental task was now complete. No loftier destiny awaited me than to live and love freely alongside my beautiful mate.

Speaking of whom...there stood Kal, gazing up at me with those intense eyes that are as unique as the jewels of our realm. Our sons flanked him, little mirrors of myself in miniature form. How often I thanked the hidden stars for guiding me into that abyssal trench on Midgard, setting our fated meeting in motion. In his flame, I found light to illuminate even the bleakest void.

Shouts of joy erupted from those assembled, thundering through the hall. The highborn sycophants who had hounded me these long months cheered loudest of all, relieved to have a proper king on the throne once more. Their politics and schemes mattered not. Today, we celebrated life and homecoming.

As the festivities spilled into the great hall, the rich aromas of roasted meats and heady wines perfumed the air. Music and laughter abounded. Even our dour servants managed to crack wistful smiles, letting slip their hard-won decorum. Noble ladies coquettishly hid giggles behind fans, admiring the assortment of royal menfolk returned to court at last. Entertainments and libations flowed freely, as such gatherings tend to run riot.

Yet propriety compelled me to the high table, lined with my kin. Between courses, our mother regaled us with outlandish tales from her youth. Her unrestrained merrymaking was a hallmark of gatherings such as these. Most unbecoming of a dowager queen. How I adored her for it. Even Radorgirn failed to entirely conceal his mirth, a subtle quirk of the brow giving him away.

The mouth-watering aroma of roasted quail mingled with the earthier scent of wine. I savored each flavorful bite, nodding along to Astrid's animated account of a hunting escapade. My attention never lingered long, instinct drawing my focus back to Kal over and again, much to Skadi's amusement.

My little human held his own among the nobles, a quick-witted charm smoothing his inevitable gaffes. How easily he could be dismissed by small minds as merely a novelty, a zealous youth content with the pleasures and trinkets I bestowed upon him. Never had they been more wrong. None could match the keen wit, poetic soul, and stalwart heart enclosed within that unassuming frame. Had I scoured the nine realms, none would prove his equal.

At long last, the formalities wound down into casual revelry as inhibitions lowered in tandem with the wine reserves. Even Radorgirn's stern countenance softened around the edges. Ispied Kal slipping outside to one of the shadowy, vine-draped balconies overlooking the gardens. The mossy cobblestones and night-blooming flora below exuded an earthy perfume. My little mate never could resist the call of growing things; a tender heart behind the prickly exterior. With polite excuses, I took my leave of the feasting table to join him.

"Not one for raucous celebrations, I take it?" I remarked as I came up behind him, leaning against the carved balustrade.

Kal's wry grin glinted in the torchlight. "It's a bit much, yeah. But I'm happy for you. They're all finally home." His expression softened to something tinged with yearning. "Glad we are too."

My arm encircled his shoulder, cradling him close against my side. His warmth chased away the night's chill. "As am I. More than you know." I pressed a kiss to his temple, inhaling his familiar scent. "You and the boys are my true home. Never doubt it."

Beneath the stars, we swayed gently to music only we could hear. The clamor indoors receded, inconsequential as dust motes in sunlight.

Here, now, was all that I required - this man ensconced safely in my embrace, a shield against the petty cruelties of a callous world.

My lips descended to meet his, all of the words we dare not speak aloud conveyed in ardent caresses. The fullness of this moment stretched into eternity, a gift not even the gods could wrest away.



A cool breeze danced through the open balcony doors, carrying the sweet scent of night-blooming flowers up from the gardens below. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the heady perfume.

"Like it?" came Thorsten's playful voice as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I had the gardeners plant only your favorites."

I leaned back into his solid warmth with a contented hum. "You spoil me. But I'm not complaining."

His chest rumbled against me with quiet laughter. We both gazed out across the moonlit vista of Élivágar Castle, its crystalline spires and archways bathed in ethereal light. I still couldn't believe this majestic place was our new home. After everything that happened over the past year - the war, the political shitstorm - living in a literal fairy tale castle felt nothing short of surreal. But here we were.

"Hard to believe we made it this far, huh?" I murmured.

Thorsten's arms instinctively tightened around me. "There were certainly times I had my doubts," he admitted. "But we persevered, against all odds."

I nodded, thoughts drifting back through our tumultuous journey together. From that fateful first meeting in the abyssal ruins of Old New York, to the chaotic aftermath of the war in Utangard. We endured more than our fair share of peril and heartache along the way. But the bonds forged between us had proven unbreakable. And now here we stood, on the precipice of a new adventure, our life together, here in Utangard.

My gaze traveled across the moonlit battlements and towers of Élivágar, drinking in its beauty. Twisted branches of Yggdrasil cradled the main keep, somehow making the imposing structure seem inviting. Below, the waterfall-fed moat surrounding the castle glowed invitingly.

"She's really something, isn't she?" Thorsten remarked, pride evident in his voice. "Our home.”

"It's incredible," I agreed. As breathtaking as the exterior was, the inside of the castle impressed me even more with its lavish grandeur. Vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate gold accents soared overhead, while masterful tapestries depicted Titan myths and legends. Exquisitely carved furniture filled the solar and music room, with plush rugs underfoot. Even the living quarters had an elegant simplicity about them.

"Think you can be happy here?" Thorsten asked, a touch of uncertainty creeping into his tone.