"I...I can't breathe" I gasped.

"Sorry, sorry!" she released me, grinning widely. "It's just good to see you again. I wasn't sure if we'd ever get the chance to properly meet in person."

"I was worried about the same thing," I replied, rubbing my sore ribs. "I saw you around the Keep a few times, but you always seemed busy."

"Ah, yeah. It sucks being so busy, especially when it's about trying to find out if any of your family members perished." Skadi's smile faded a little, but her eyes still held that wild glint.

"Everyone will be found safely," I said, hoping for the best.

"Your lips to the Ymir’s ears," Skadi replied. "By the way, I wanted to thank you for saving me from that hellhole in the red marshes. I didn't know if you heard me when I tried to tell you my location."

"It's the least I could do after you saved me by helping me escape Innangard," I responded sincerely. "I'm just happy to return the favor and finally meet you properly."

"Likewise. You're a good man, and Thorsten's damn lucky to have you," Skadi said, clapping a hand on my shoulder with enough force to make me stumble.

As I regained my balance, Skadi's face turned serious. "So, how are you faring in our world, Little Odin? Got any plans to return to Midgard?"

I hesitated, unsure of what to say. "I don't know, to be honest. Now that the war is over, I want to see more of this world. I want to visit Thorsten's home, and the twins seem to love it here. They actually have friends they can play with now."

"Please stay in Utangard!" Skadi begged, her eyes wide with concern. "I'm an auntie again, and I look forward to training that little spitfire Thor."

"I hope we will stay," I said, touched by her enthusiasm.

"Fuck yeah!" she cheered at the news. "If anyone gives you or the kids any problems, just send those ravens to me and I'll be at your side to whack them upside the head." Her grin was fierce. "You'll always have a friend and protector in me."

I was overwhelmed, never having real friends in the human world. Jaxon was a friend to a certain extent, but he wanted more from me than I could give. Before falling in love with Thorsten, I was so lonely in my own way, I barely had anyfriends and my only family had been my dad. Now I had my dad and Thorsten and my two children, and now Skadi and hopefully Radorgirn and his family. I hope the rest of Thorsten's family was as nice as Skadi. So far, she's my favorite. "Thank you, Skadi," I managed to choke out.

"Found you." Thorsten's deep voice interrupted us. He approached, a playful smirk on his lips. "I hope Skadi isn't giving you too hard of a time."

"Of course not," Skadi scoffed. "As a matter of fact, I just pledged to protect him and the kids."

Thorsten scoffed. "You can do a better job of that by becoming queen so I can be free to focus on protecting my family."

"Ugh, no," Skadi wrinkled her nose, clearly disgusted by the idea. "I don't want to be a queen. Freedom is my life!"

"Thorsten, are you really willing to give up being King?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded; his silver eyes serious. "Yes, I said I'd only remain King until the war is over. It's over, and I'm ready to give it up and go home."

"Give the crown back to Radorgirn then," Skadi suggested, rolling her eyes. "He loves responsibilities."

"True," Thorsten laughed, "but he's feeling self-conscious since getting his sword arm severed." His grin turned mischievous ashe added, "Maybe I should just toss the crown on Radorgirn's head and run."

"Ha!" Skadi barked out a laugh, and I couldn't help but join in.



The sun hung low on the horizon, not quite ready to surrender the skies to nightfall. I stood on the ramparts of Hrungnir Keep, watching the last transport vehicles being loaded with supplies. Excitement mingled with nervous anticipation in the pit of my stomach. This would be my first time attempting to live here in the Titan world.

In the distance, the snowcapped peaks of the Glinttind Mountains framed the landscape, their icy caps glowing golden in the waning daylight. Bustling activity filled the courtyard below as servants rushed to and fro, making final preparationsto depart the fortress that had sheltered us for the past several weeks.

A soft flutter of wings announced the arrival of Huginn and Muninn as they alighted on my shoulders, one of their favorite perches. Reaching up, I gently stroked their glossy feathers.

"Ready for an adventure, boys?" I asked. Muninn playfully nipped at my ear in response, eliciting a chuckle. Despite our sometimes strained connection as of late, I appreciated their continued loyalty. Who knows, maybe in their own strange way, they even liked me. Even without the psychic link, they seemed drawn to me as much as I was to them.

The sight of Thorsten exiting the Keep had butterflies stirring in my stomach. Gods, my man cut an impressive figure. His broad shoulders and proud bearing commanded respect with no effort at all. Even after seeing him almost daily for months now, he could still make my heart race with nothing more than a glance.