I blinked back at him, unsure how to react to that unexpected compliment. "I'll give you a chance to keep living," Váli continued. "There are two paths you can take to guarantee you keep breathing. Path number one: leave Thorsten of your own free will. If you worry about how you'll provide for yourself, don't. I'll personally take you into my house. I'm very wealthy and own my own estate."

"Wait a fucking minute," I cut him off, feeling an odd mixture of shock and disgust. "Are you saying... do you want to sleep with me?"

Váli's smile widened. "I've always chosen shorter lovers among my kind," he admitted. "I have a thing for small, beautiful things. Choose to be my lover, and I'll approve of you returning home to the human world with your father once this war is over and the portal is fixed."

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" I couldn't help but say, anger boiling inside me. "There is absolutely no way in hell I'd ever give myself to you or leave my children behind!"

"Of course," Váli replied smoothly, as if he'd anticipated my response. "That's only the first path. There's another." His eyes narrowed, and he told me about Innangard, a ritual that could transport my mind to another plane of existence. "It's a trial that could kill those of a weaker mind," he explained. "But if you awaken, it would prove this so-called connection we titans have to you humans."

"What do I have to do?" I asked, trying to ignore the nervous flutter in my stomach.

"Go into an unconscious state by drinking a poisonous concoction," Váli revealed. "If you can survive it, it'll lend weight to Thorsten's and your argument that there's a link between us. Sure, some nobles won't be happy about the arrangement, but they'll have very little merit to question it openly and as brazenly as they're doing now."

I clenched my fists, feeling cornered and desperate. Undergoing this trial might be my only way to stay by Thorsten's side. And with everything I've been through, I refused to let go of the life I'd fought so hard for.

I was tempted to take Váli up on his offer to drink the poison and undergo this strange trial. But Thorsten had never mentioned anything like this to me before. "This could just be a trick to get me to kill myself by drinking this poison," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. "I bet you'd make up some lie that I killed myself because I couldn't handle a bunch of pompous nobles." I shook my head, feeling sickened by the thought. "Thorsten would never believe such a thing."

Váli's expression remained impassive. "It doesn't matter what Thorsten believes. You better talk to him and make him give in and allow you to take the trial."

"Really?" I asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow. "You truly want me to tell Thorsten about this trial?"

Váli nodded. "The trial will need to happen in front of enough noble witnesses that no one will question it happened. That means telling Thorsten...at the right time of course."

I stared at him, incredulous at his audacity.

"Fine," I spat. "And while I'm at it, I should also tell him how you threatened me and then asked me to sleep with you."

Váli looked amused as he told me I was free to tell Thorsten whatever I liked. "If you want Thorsten questioning my every move in the middle of a war."

I clenched my fists, hating how much power this man held over me.

Then, Váli stared at me with lust. "Your eyes are so cruel right now," he murmured, his voice dripping with desire. "Even your blind eye gazes at me defiantly." He licked his lips and continued, "I hope you'll take me up on my offer to be my concubine instead of undergoing the trial."

"Go fuck yourself," I snapped, disgusted by his suggestion. Váli sighed and told me it would be up to me to convince Thorstento let me undergo the Innangard once he announced it to the nobles.

"Wait, you're just going to announce to everyone that I'll do this trial?" I asked, shocked at his boldness.

Váli nodded. "It's best to take Thorsten off guard. I know he'll disapprove of you drinking the poison, and he'll make a bunch of promises he can't keep to prevent you from undergoing the trial."

"Great," I muttered sarcastically. "And what are my chances of surviving this trial?"

Váli shrugged. "I don't know."

"Real comforting," I muttered. "If I don't survive, Thorsten will kill you."

Váli simply nodded. "For the sake of a unified kingdom, I am willing to die for my country. I will accept Thorsten's revenge with open arms."



As I stood on the docks, watching ships preparing to sail, my gaze shifted toward Váli and Kal in the distance. Their tense posture had me wondering what they could possibly be discussing so intensely. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that Váli might be harassing Kal. The Váli I remembered from before was a sensible guy, but something about him had changed. Maybe it was his father's death and having to lead a war he never expected that had turned him darker.

"Kal is quite the beautiful man, isn't he?" Tyr remarked as he sidled up next to me, no doubt noticing my attention on them.He flashed me a wicked grin and continued, "You've always had an eye for pretty things."

I rolled my eyes and corrected him, "It's not just beauty that catches my eye. It's uniqueness. Every once in a while, I get lucky and find something both unique and beautiful."

Tyr laughed, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I stand corrected."